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NMB to ASA: keep negotiating

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He won't be there. We don't let management attend. And Oh by the way, he has a family commitment that day.

You must be the only person here who doesn't know who Oh Please is. He announced it on the Alpa web board some time ago. He's not in management at all. Not even an IP.
PCL, what part of piss off and mind your own business confused you?

If you don't want people from outside ASA to be involved in your conversation, then take your conversation to the ASA ALPA web boards. If you discuss it on flightinfo, then it's fair game. What affects ASA affects the entire industry. It's not just "your business." If you screw up, then everyone in the industry suffers. I don't want my friends that are still at Pinnacle to get screwed on their contract negotiations because you didn't have the stomach for a fight.

Go bitch about MSA's -900s or how much your commute from ATL to DTW sucks or something.

Not commuting to DTW anymore, but thanks for your concern.
If you don't want people from outside ASA to be involved in your conversation, then take your conversation to the ASA ALPA web boards. If you discuss it on flightinfo, then it's fair game. What affects ASA affects the entire industry. It's not just "your business." If you screw up, then everyone in the industry suffers. I don't want my friends that are still at Pinnacle to get screwed on their contract negotiations because you didn't have the stomach for a fight.

The whole issue may be of your business, but naming names of possible MEC replacements is not. And I refrained from posting names (as you requested) for that very reason. Your response was to challenge me by saying I didn't have any. Such was the genesis of my comments.

And we all know the ALPA board is useless since everyone is afraid to post their true feelings. Anyone who speaks against the party line will quickly be jumped both online and in the crew lounge by the Alpaistas, and told they are too much like JB and need to shape up or face public humiliation. Kind of like ASARJman and Speedtape have proven. That's why they try to "out" anyone who speaks against the MEC.
The whole issue may be of your business, but naming names of possible MEC replacements is not. And I refrained from posting names (as you requested) for that very reason. Your response was to challenge me by saying I didn't have any. Such was the genesis of my comments.

I don't want you to actually name names on a public board. I just wanted to make sure that you had some names in mind. Too often I see pilots advocating the recall of reps without having the slightest clue who they will replace them with. I'm glad you've got ideas, I just hope they don't include the LJ coalition. As disappointed as you are with the current group, you still have to recognize that the "90-day plan" was a joke.
I don't want you to actually name names on a public board. I just wanted to make sure that you had some names in mind. Too often I see pilots advocating the recall of reps without having the slightest clue who they will replace them with. I'm glad you've got ideas, I just hope they don't include the LJ coalition. As disappointed as you are with the current group, you still have to recognize that the "90-day plan" was a joke.

I would hope that since you're a BOD member and "know how it works", you could read enough into my past statements to know that I know how the process works too.

And no, I would not endorse JB or LJ, but possibly others in their coalition. I would even support to keep DU in, since he seems to be the only one who's still reasonable.

I agree that the 90 day deadline was ludicrous, and is the #1 reason they didn't get my vote. Besides that the two are poison pills to anything they become involved in because of their reputation for hating ALPA (whether it's deserved or not).
And we all know the ALPA board is useless since everyone is afraid to post their true feelings. Anyone who speaks against the party line will quickly be jumped both online and in the crew lounge by the Alpaistas, and told they are too much like JB and need to shape up or face public humiliation. Kind of like ASARJman and Speedtape have proven. That's why they try to "out" anyone who speaks against the MEC.

You are getting paranoid aren't you? Anyone can post what they want on the ALPA board. So what if someone else argues with them, whether on the board or in person. Any member can speak their thoughts. You're making way too much out of ALPA's "power".
The last I heard it cost about $110,000 to directly transfer each -700 SKW got. That's why they stopped. The next transfers will be trading in -200s at ASA for -900s at SKW, which costs nothing.
FWIW in the investor's conference call they said the price was around a million per aircraft to transfer. They did not explain how they arrived at that amount.

You are correct that taking the ASA orders costs almost nothing.

By the way, if it is true that a CRJ CA costs $30,000 to train, then we are spending a little more than million a month to keep up with attrition. I get the feeling June will be a big month, so will July. Our pilots are getting hired everywhere and airlines like CAL and SouthWest actually speed up new hire training in the winter. FedEx will start hiring if nobody bids Paris, or China.
You are getting paranoid aren't you? Anyone can post what they want on the ALPA board. So what if someone else argues with them, whether on the board or in person. Any member can speak their thoughts. You're making way too much out of ALPA's "power".

You're not even worth responding to. If you ask me, you're the one who's paranoid since you seem to "need" to know the identity of everyone who speaks against your beliefs.

Let me ask you this... aside from shooting your mouth off online what have you ACTUALLY done to move the process forward? How have YOU supported your MEC? Shooting your mouth off and paying dues isn't enough.
Not a whole lot I, nor anyone, can do right now to move the process forward. The RLA greatly favors management as you know. You do know that don't you? I fully support the MEC/CNC and do things by the book out on the line. I counter ignorant rants like yours on message boards. And, I like messing with paranoid dudes like yourself. What have you done btw?
Not a whole lot I, nor anyone, can do right now to move the process forward. The RLA greatly favors management as you know. You do know that don't you? I fully support the MEC/CNC and do things by the book out on the line. I counter ignorant rants like yours on message boards. And, I like messing with paranoid dudes like yourself. What have you done btw?


Paranoia is a disturbed thought process characterized by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threat. In the original Greek, παράνοια (paranoia) simply means madness (para = outside; nous = mind) and, historically, this charcaterization was used to describe any delusional state.

Paranoia is distinct from phobia, which is more descriptive of an irrational and persistent fear, usually unfounded, of certain situations, objects, animals, activities, or social settings. By contrast, a person suffering paranoia or paranoid delusions tends more to blame or fear others for supposedly intentional actions that somehow affect the afflicted individual.

The idea that my so-called "rants" are delusional, paranoid, or ignorant is a matter of your personal opinion. I would opine the same of yours.

Since you keep trying to pin me down as WF (and the joke's still on you with that, btw) you clearly have a strong distaste for WF. It may be worthwhile to discuss why. He has done 10X more for this pilot group in 5 years than you have done in 10+, so I fail to understand why you keep trying to tear him down. Or me for that matter. Why do we scare you so much?

If our opinions are irrelevant, then you wouldn't even bother to argue. You argue because you know pilots are listening to what we say. You appear to have persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threat, that threat being that a former ALPA rep may actually have the power to rally a revolt against your boys and turn things around.

You seem to be following the textbook definition of paranoid, fwiw.

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