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I even knew you could put a certain amount of avfuel in a PT-6.You should have known that after flying a King-Air and passing all your check rides.Get your facts straight and maybe we can talk.Line guys rule and Buckey needs help.
Buckey is bringing a new low to pilots.............
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TrailerTrash said:
I even knew you could put a certain amount of avfuel in a PT-6.You should have known that after flying a King-Air and passing all your check rides.Get your facts straight and maybe we can talk.Line guys rule and Buckey needs help.
Buckey is bringing a new low to pilots.............

There are some turbine engines that should have some avgas run in them periodically-or at least there used to be. Don't know about the PT-6. However, just cause you know that they can, unless MX tells you to (most line guys don't check the logbooks to see how long an engine has been run on avgas) you probably shouldn't be doing it.

Sounds like you phornicated the canine and are just making excuses. I'd guess that you were supposed to be putting the proper rated fuel in and now are cya because it didn't blow up.

Line guys are human and screw up on a regular basis just like everyone else.
Once in a while you find one that is man enough to admit it...if you're lucky!
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belchfire said:
There are some turbine engines that should have some avgas run in them periodically-or at least there used to be. Don't know about the PT-6. However, just cause you know that they can, unless MX tells you to (most line guys don't check the logbooks to see how long an engine has been run on avgas) you probably shouldn't be doing it.

Sounds like you phornicated the canine and are just making excuses. I'd guess that you were supposed to be putting the proper rated fuel in and now are cya because it didn't blow up.

Line guys are human and screw up on a regular basis just like everyone else.
Once in a while you find one that is man enough to admit it...if you're lucky!
How could Buckey fly a King-Air with a PT-6 and not know that it can use a certain amount of avgas.This guy is a real piece of work and will always be a substandard pilot.Line guys rule and Buckey needs help!
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TrailerTrash said:
How could Buckey fly a King-Air with a PT-6 and not know that it can use a certain amount of avgas.This guy is a real piece of work and will always be a substandard pilot.Line guys rule and Buckey needs help!

If I am so sub stand why don't you just ask a few people that post on this thread I know all of them will stand up for me. And while we are at it if you think I was such a bad airmen why don't you ask jelloshot pilot he gave me my line checks and it was no fun day in the park I would rather do a 709 ride than have a line check by rob.
TrailorTrash Rules

buckwheat said:
What are you talking about retard I passed all my line checks for the company and never missed a trip. You were never a pilot and probally never will be one probally because you can't even solo after 80 hours in a 152 or pass a medical. If that's what everyone thinks about me then why are you the only one telling me this. Oh on second thought why don't you go ask the houndreds of people that I instructed and taught. I believe 3 of them are in the airlines now. And what kind of retard are you saying a cheyenne is capable of using avgas I believe a pt-6 is designed to use jet fuel dumbass not avgas. Get your facts straight and maybe we can talk.

bucky out

trasher trash is bringing a new low the line crew...

I'll support TrailorTrash on this one!!!!
There are a lot Tards on this thread,some of their user-names start with L,M,and R. Real Kool-Aid Drinkers!!!!!!
buckwheat said:
If I am so sub stand why don't you just ask a few people that post on this thread I know all of them will stand up for me. And while we are at it if you think I was such a bad airmen why don't you ask jelloshot pilot he gave me my line checks and it was no fun day in the park I would rather do a 709 ride than have a line check by rob.

I did give very hard line checks. I you passed them then you were good to go. You could not half-ass my line checks. I am the gold standard when it comes to line checks. And if you did not pass it I would tell you to get your sh*% together before trying again!
G-force still drinking the kool-aid

G-force said:
I'll support TrailorTrash on this one!!!!
There are a lot Tards on this thread,some of their user-names start with L,M,and R. Real Kool-Aid Drinkers!!!!!!

I would love an invitation to come over a share a glass of kool-aid. We could fill up a big glass an drink out of it with 2 straws!!
g-force pretending

g-force, stop pretending to be people who you are not. For some reason you are pretending to be me. Your name is not John G. so quit acting like you're me. Anyone who knows me knows I am a great pilot and great with the ladies!

Reb-pilot said:
g-force, stop pretending to be people who you are not. For some reason you are pretending to be me. Your name is not John G. so quit acting like you're me. Anyone who knows me knows I am a great pilot and great with the ladies!

Like I previously stated,there are a lot of serious Kool-aid drinkers here!!!!!!!
here we go again with the kool-aid

G-force what is your favorite flavor? I like the cherry myself, but i also like the fruit punch.

jelloshot out
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