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NetJets' Captains need to get over themselves!

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Sounds like your ego is equally amazing, here is a hint...get over yourself! It's just a job!
I am a NetJets FO that has been at the company about 7 months. I have been on the line for almost 5 months. I have 200 hours in my aircraft type. I have 5000 hours total time. I have flown 10 different turbine aircraft, upgraded to Captain 3 times over at 3 different 135 operations (once in a different jet). I am a Gold Seal flight instructor (CFII, MEI) who is an expert on teaching and performing such "advanced" flying techniques as the "dreaded" crosswind landing. I have flown all over the country around some of the worst weather imaginable and had to make tough decisions. In other words, this is not my first rodeo.

NetJets hired me because they had confidence in my experience and my abilities. I passed training and IOE with flying colors. I'm pretty sure I've impressed (as have many others hired at NetJets and other companies) my Captains that I've flown with every time. I am "young" in the scheme of things with a lot of career ahead of me, which I suspect is causing some unfair prejudging from some of you "advanced" in years folks.

This subject has been touched on before on these threads but I want to highlight again here because I am honestly amazed at the consistency among my Captains. What I am getting at is that since flying with this company I have yet to fly a SINGLE passenger leg. RIDICULOUS !!!

I haven't confronted anyone about it yet because It hasn't been necessary. Before about a month ago there were enough ferry legs that I just didn't care. Lately however there are more and more back to back passenger legs. I had 3 back to back pax legs today alone. Every time we get to the before takeoff brief, the Captain (who hasn't "seen" me fly yet to "see" if he thinks I am good enough) once again utters the familiar words, "Left seat takeoff.....", meaning once again it ain't my turn.

This is absurd. The egos at this place are amazing!!! Are you serious? Airline pilots fly pax legs and landings on IOE for craps sake! What is the deal. Yes I have the balls. Yes I am going to say something. The bottom line is I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!!!!! It is an insult that you guys think your colleagues don't have "the right stuff". We've already passed the 4 phases of the interview, the training, and the IOE Captain's recommendation. Having said that we've already "payed our dues" and "been there and done that" when we get to NetJets. Get off your high horses!!!!

The ONLY time a First Officer shouldn't be flying EVERY OTHER LEG is if it is discussed before hand and the particular FO expresses that he is not comfortable because of how he feels about his OWN experience, OR the Captain decides to use his PIC authority and SPECIFICALLY briefs to his FO the reason why he is taking the leg. The Captain should have to make a case for it in other words if he is going to exercise his authority in this way. Even so, in my opinion, we are all the best judge of our own abilities. Most of us are not going to try to be heroes and will communicate that to our Captain's at that time. Give us the benefit of the doubt!

Many times over I hear the familiar question, "How long have you been here." I tell them and very often hear something condescending like, "Ohh, a newby." As If I just soloed the day before. Once on a ferry leg during a very gusty maximum component crosswind landing I had a Captain ask me this question on short final. After answering he put his hand up to the yoke and feet near the rudder pedals. It was insulting. I don't care who you are it was. He started to sweat as I greased it on and executed my SOP's perfectly.

You guys are going to have (and have had this year) a lot of new pilots coming into this company. Show some respect for where we came from and what it took to get here!!! Most of us hired this year were the top 20-30% of our classes. The cream of the crop!

We are on probation and therefore obviously fear retribution or getting on the "wrong" list. We shouldn't have to feel that way. Somebody needs to address this.

I am not alone in feeling this way specifically about the Captain's at NJ. There have been other threads.

Anyway, I'm done. Let the flaming begin.
You'll get passenger legs when you get passenger legs. Geez, don't be such a narcissist. Pack your bags gents - we're going on an ego trip...with as long as you have been with it you know by now with all those qualifications - it only makes you legal man. Mellow out. You'll get yours...
What a bunch of ego maniacs.

Traditionally I just lurk for the news - but this one drove me out.

If a Captain is not comfortable with his own abilities to not "let" a fully trained and qualified FO fly whether or not passengers are on board there is a serious problem with either him or his training.

This type of ego trip attitude wouldn't last very long in the real world.

Some of you guys need to take yourselves a little less seriously.
This type of ego trip attitude wouldn't last very long in the real world.

We're not in the "Real World"? Sheesh, that explains a LOT!

The last 8 years of Bush was in the fake world, 911 attacks were in the fake world, our VP shooting his buddy in the face was in the fake world, my previous company going out of business was in the fake world.

How do we get to the "real world"? Do I need to find a wizard to give me some shoes? Follow a yellow road? TELL ME!!! This fake world is CRAP!!!!
This type of ego trip attitude wouldn't last very long in the real world.

Funny funny stuff!!!

We are the largest fractional out there. We now dwarf a number of major airlines. Many aspiring pilots out there now prefer to become a Netjets pilot instead of an airline pilot. Exactly which world do you figure we operate in?

The vast majority of our captains swap legs regardless if there's pax on board or not. The guy that started this thread appears to be the real ego maniac. Who the heck comes on here and posts all his qualifications? To prove what? Read my last post about 11 posts back or so and you'll see the problem isn't likely with our captains.
Sounds like your ego is equally amazing, here is a hint...get over yourself! It's just a job!

As a 15 year Captain at NJA I will W2 over 200K this year.

I have a mere 23 years till I retire.

Do the math Sparky, this is slighty more than "JUST A JOB".....This is an Aviation Career Dream.

P.S. I have earned the right to demand respect for "Captains Descretion" on the flight deck. A Gold Seal CFI who has been here 7 months has not.

Honestly, every time I read the original post, I picture this guy coming home on day seven and rushing home to his computer to hone his aviation skills on Microsoft Flight Simulator....
Honestly, every time I read the original post, I picture this guy coming home on day seven and rushing home to his computer to hone his aviation skills on Microsoft Flight Simulator....

Doubt it....his wife probably wont him fly that either. :)
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