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My Next Adveenture! Departing 06/02/07

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What about all of your posts? You never come off as a jerk? ;)

No, I proably use some harsh words on occasion when I could have taken a higher road. I do, however recognize this, and I don't post long dissertations about how others' are bringing the forum down.

That particular comment came after the second or third time that poster repeated once again a completely unrelated personal insult, rather than say something intelligent about the topic at hand. And while I probably could have used a less inflammatory choice of words, he had, in fact been talking out his a$$, then resorting to insults when he found that there was no way to intelligently back up his statement.

Do you think you don't sound like a jerk because you have a thicker logbook then others?

I don't think that you'll find too many instances of me playing the "I'm right because I have more hours" card, because I recognize that as a fallacious agrument. In fact I generally consider someone who says "I'm right because I have XX,XXX hours" to be a fool, and more often than not, someone resorts to an that sort of "logic" becuase they can't support thier position intelligently. I may on occasion make a reference to my experience, if it's specifically relevant to the topic at hand....say if we were discussing the operation of large radials, however I don't make my logbook my sole argument.

Having said that, there are times and topics where hours do make some difference. Sometimes a few thousand hours will give you a different perspective on something than you had at 200 hours (and I'm not picking on you, here), and in situations like that, the 4,000 hour pilot once had 200 hours, but the 200 hour pilot has never had 4,000 hours, and thus does not have as broad a perspective.
I don't think that you'll find too many instances of me playing the "I'm right because I have more hours" card, because I recognize that as a fallacious agrument. In fact I generally consider someone who says "I'm right because I have XX,XXX hours" to be a fool, and more often than not, someone resorts to an that sort of "logic" becuase they can't support thier position intelligently. I may on occasion make a reference to my experience, if it's specifically relevant to the topic at hand....say if we were discussing the operation of large radials, however I don't make my logbook my sole argument.

Having said that, there are times and topics where hours do make some difference. Sometimes a few thousand hours will give you a different perspective on something than you had at 200 hours (and I'm not picking on you, here), and in situations like that, the 4,000 hour pilot once had 200 hours, but the 200 hour pilot has never had 4,000 hours, and thus does not have as broad a perspective.

I totally agree with you on those points. I do respect a persons experience and acheivement. I have zero respect for those who try to use those same things as a basis for insulting others.
Nope sorry he still hasn't left yet.

Sometimes a few thousand hours will give you a different perspective on something than you had at 200 hours (and I'm not picking on you, here), and in situations like that, the 4,000 hour pilot once had 200 hours, but the 200 hour pilot has never had 4,000 hours, and thus does not have as broad a perspective.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Next will come the Female Human Hunting Adventures of NW_Pilot. A 4-part series detailing the rise and fall of misguided cannibilism shaped by misunderstandings, misinformation and misplaced enthusiasm.

It's either that or "how to rent a hooker" by SLR Publishing.
Bull-********************, what he needed was a good CFI to go with him.

The NTSB site has nothing yet and the news report does not indicate anything that would support your silly statement...perhaps you would have liked to hang there in the trees for 50 hours and kept him company?
So NW_Pilot...are you going to make Hawaii or not? You don't have to talk about it, just yes or no, is the Hawaii flight still i the future?
The NTSB site has nothing yet and the news report does not indicate anything that would support your silly statement...perhaps you would have liked to hang there in the trees for 50 hours and kept him company?

Who cares? Go screw yourself.
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