Family Guy, Grizz, GV, H25B, NJA Owner and everyone else!
This vehicle of coimmunication has proved invaluable in tempering some of the hostility that resulted from our long negotiations over the last four and a half years. The time has come for me to move on and leave the pacification to other cool heads.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with the contract. Others have quoted figures such as $50k in their first job in the Midwest. They forget to tell you why they aren't there anymore? Was it the 24/7 availability? The lack of organization? The lack of maintenance and regulatory compliance?
When you come to Netjets you don't have to worry about anything but showing up to work rested, well-presented and ready to work. When you go home, its like the company doesn't exist anymore.
Many years ago TWA did a study on circadian rythms and life expectancy. To cut a long story short: short hops in a business jet are about the healthiest thing you can do in aviation. Meeting the many successful entrepreneurs and people of entertainment and politics makes the job very gratifying at times too. Better than flying that canned flight plan on the same sector for the 999th time.
Family Guy,
I have very deep respect for you! You were the only one from management to step-up to the plate and take a constant barrage of abuse from the most frustrated within the group. Your posts for the most part were very reasoned and intellectually sound. I am sorry that some of my peers were upset, but I think that it's understandable.
Netjets is still the best place to work in aviation, and now its been made a lot better by the efforts of people like Family Guy who work around the clock to come up with agreements at 1:00 am in the morning after a Friday night of negotiations.
I ask my fellow peers to temper their responses. Management was not perfect in these negotiations, but neither were we.
To all the people that posted that weren't at NJA/NJI.
Some of you had some good things to say, some of you are obviously threatened by the industry behemoth that is now NJA. The factory moves at 500 mph...move with the speed of the industry, or you will be meeting your new replacements soon!
Tough, but it happened at the major airlines with the regional jets, and the mainline pilots spent years asleep at the wheel. By then it was too late!
To those that want to come to NJA.
No, I can't recommend anyone. I don't know you and I'm not going to tell you who I am. Sorry Guys! Thanks for the PMs and I hope it all works out!
It has been a great place to work. I have found my fortunes elsewhere and can now enjoy flying with some of the finest individuals in my career. The character, flying ability, training adherence, decorum and presentation of these professionals should not be questioned by anyone. Netjets hires the best, to fly the best. If you doubt me, come on over and see for yourself!
Building clientele.
It won't be a problem. The Marquis Program is still doing well and the new airframes will start arriving in greater numbers soon. The mood of harmony and streamlining of operations, together with the elimination of waste will equate to a less frustrating owner experience as these efficiencies and team building are realized. The product is extremely good. It has very well defined value of multiple aircraft types and the ability to have customers flying on each side of the continent at the same time as owners of one share.
Sales should be concentrating on the issues of privacy. A recent Wall Street Journal article traced the registrations and golfing scores of individuals who are CEOs and Presidents of public companies to infere some kind of indiscretion or waste.
I don't know what's wrong with these journos, most of the biggest financial contracts and mergers of all time were discussed over a game of golf, but with the class envy thing going on right now, it probably created tension at the next board meeting.
This tension could have been avoided if the CEO was on one of any 500 aircraft operated by Netjets. It would be impossible to track such a story down with our interchange agreement between our 5,000+ owners.
Individually owned corporate aircraft have their place, but clearly they can be a public relations nightmare.
All the best to everyone. Blue skies and happy days ahead!
This vehicle of coimmunication has proved invaluable in tempering some of the hostility that resulted from our long negotiations over the last four and a half years. The time has come for me to move on and leave the pacification to other cool heads.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with the contract. Others have quoted figures such as $50k in their first job in the Midwest. They forget to tell you why they aren't there anymore? Was it the 24/7 availability? The lack of organization? The lack of maintenance and regulatory compliance?
When you come to Netjets you don't have to worry about anything but showing up to work rested, well-presented and ready to work. When you go home, its like the company doesn't exist anymore.
Many years ago TWA did a study on circadian rythms and life expectancy. To cut a long story short: short hops in a business jet are about the healthiest thing you can do in aviation. Meeting the many successful entrepreneurs and people of entertainment and politics makes the job very gratifying at times too. Better than flying that canned flight plan on the same sector for the 999th time.
Family Guy,
I have very deep respect for you! You were the only one from management to step-up to the plate and take a constant barrage of abuse from the most frustrated within the group. Your posts for the most part were very reasoned and intellectually sound. I am sorry that some of my peers were upset, but I think that it's understandable.
Netjets is still the best place to work in aviation, and now its been made a lot better by the efforts of people like Family Guy who work around the clock to come up with agreements at 1:00 am in the morning after a Friday night of negotiations.
I ask my fellow peers to temper their responses. Management was not perfect in these negotiations, but neither were we.
To all the people that posted that weren't at NJA/NJI.
Some of you had some good things to say, some of you are obviously threatened by the industry behemoth that is now NJA. The factory moves at 500 mph...move with the speed of the industry, or you will be meeting your new replacements soon!
Tough, but it happened at the major airlines with the regional jets, and the mainline pilots spent years asleep at the wheel. By then it was too late!
To those that want to come to NJA.
No, I can't recommend anyone. I don't know you and I'm not going to tell you who I am. Sorry Guys! Thanks for the PMs and I hope it all works out!
It has been a great place to work. I have found my fortunes elsewhere and can now enjoy flying with some of the finest individuals in my career. The character, flying ability, training adherence, decorum and presentation of these professionals should not be questioned by anyone. Netjets hires the best, to fly the best. If you doubt me, come on over and see for yourself!
Building clientele.
It won't be a problem. The Marquis Program is still doing well and the new airframes will start arriving in greater numbers soon. The mood of harmony and streamlining of operations, together with the elimination of waste will equate to a less frustrating owner experience as these efficiencies and team building are realized. The product is extremely good. It has very well defined value of multiple aircraft types and the ability to have customers flying on each side of the continent at the same time as owners of one share.
Sales should be concentrating on the issues of privacy. A recent Wall Street Journal article traced the registrations and golfing scores of individuals who are CEOs and Presidents of public companies to infere some kind of indiscretion or waste.
I don't know what's wrong with these journos, most of the biggest financial contracts and mergers of all time were discussed over a game of golf, but with the class envy thing going on right now, it probably created tension at the next board meeting.
This tension could have been avoided if the CEO was on one of any 500 aircraft operated by Netjets. It would be impossible to track such a story down with our interchange agreement between our 5,000+ owners.
Individually owned corporate aircraft have their place, but clearly they can be a public relations nightmare.
All the best to everyone. Blue skies and happy days ahead!