I was talking about the DJ thing with Silver which when she rules it wont be a "law". Do you seriously believe the company would have moved off the Kirby proposal at all even if we had no seniority dispute? I agree we could have had that stinking contract many years ago...why do you westies love Kirby so much?
F Kirby! DP can shove Kirby and his contract proposal up his ass. This is just another Easthole myth you guys love to perpetrate. The Kirby proposal, nic inclusive has always been DOA on the West. Of course a DJ judgement isn't "law" per se, it's a binding CLARIFICATION of Law. If she says the company can be held LEGALLY Liable under hybrid DFR if they accept a non nic list, the company isn't EVER going to accept any other list as they will be in clear and present danger of being successfully sued. That is the entire point of this law suit. Not to delay contract negotiations as your completely idiotic leadership espouses.
You seem to want to down play and diminish the DJ Proceedings as if it's not that big a deal. Be prepared for another Huge disappointment in the next few months.