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Mesaba reaches TA - Details pending...

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Guys I really feel for you....I remember when ACA (rip Blue Ridge), ASA, Comair, Mesaba were THE places to go about 5 years ago. Now look at them. This race to the bottom has got to stop somewhere. I really hope this TA gets voted down my a large majority and shows management we are professional PILOTS and deserve to be paid and compensated for the responsibility we take into our hands each day. Good luck guys and gals at Mesaba.
Are you kidding me? Your company is bankrupt. Paycuts are an inevitable result of banrkruptcy. You and your pilot group would be best served by agreeing to whatever your company needs to survive and exit bankruptcy. You can work on getting your concessions back at a later date. It's better to live to fight another day.

This guy sounds like he works for managment
This thread is proof that ANY thread on flight info that goes beyond 2 pages is a waste of time to read.

And yet I read it....sigh
Loser talk.

When YOU'RE given the chance to swallow concessions or walk the line (and maybe lose your job), you swallowed. Then you whine that if ONLY SOMEONE ELSE had taken that risk, you wouldn't be in this situation.

You're no better than <insert airline you don't like> because you did the same thing they did.

Don't feel bad. Most majors and regionals have been doing the same lately. The ONLY regional carrier that can stand tall is COMAIR, who acually put it all on the line when it counted during their last strike. But they might have to do it all over again.

That's strange, I thought Comair took a pay freeze in order to secure additional flying. How is that putting it "all on the line"? At least they had balls once.
It's a shame how everyone is finger pointing at others for problems at their own company. Let's face it.......the problems at XJ are from XJ management........no one else. They are are the ones who are laughing all the way to the bank watching pilots bash eachother. Best of luck to all Mesaba pilots. It's up to YOU to vote for what YOU feel is right. You can not control what other pilots at other carriers do. YOU can only control what decisions YOU make. And whatever decisions you make, you need to stick together. Make sure you and your peers are thoroughly educated on this TA and have all the facts before you vote. Then vote for what YOU want. You're a great group of people. Don't let others decide your fate for you. Just my two cents. Good luck!

Never met a frenchman whose grandad was not in the resistance. Never met a german whose grandad was a nazi.

In all my years of talking to jumpseaters, I have never met anyone from any regional or major airline that voted yes to a substandard contract. I remember the last time Mesaba agreed to concessions. NOBODY I talked to voted yes.
Some did say they matched pinnacle rates, but guess what, those rates are seven yrs old. Now you have a new piece of crap that will take you back to the eighties. Hope you like Duran Duran.
As for me, My vote will be no when Pinnacle wants me to match your rates. If you folks cave to this then I will be sad to know that all the talk was just that, talk.
Yes to the blathering

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