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Mesaba reaches TA - Details pending...

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We're watching closely at Comair. We'll soon be travelling down the same path. Hate to say it, but you guys might have our fate in your hands too. We'll almost certainly follow your lead. If I may point out one thing, a pilot contract has NEVER been imposed through 1113. Every group faced with the prospect has folded in the eleventh hour, motivating even more companies to file. I feel your pain and will support whatever decision you make as a group but sure hope it's a big fat F you.

What happened to ALL or NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know tensions are high at this point, but again please, please do not pre judge this situation. There may very well be some language in our TA that would not let it take effect until ALL the unions have deals. I do not know this for sure, but again our unions have stuck together through this whole thing like never before. They have said that it is "all for one" and I believe them. IF that is not true and we all find that out tomorrow then I think you have every right to make your previous statement. Hang in there Xjers and let the smoke clear before we start hurling insults.
Lets see, Will Not Accept A TA Untill ALL Members of the Coalition Have TA's.

What happened to that?
yeah, i am sure our reps would have the same language as in any type of agreement, ours will not take effect til yours does. I am sure the reason they got us "done" first was that in order to make deals for the future, they had to have the pilots wrapped up....which with atttitudes the way they are, some may vote no just out of principle.....every one has thier own agenda....but the unions have been united thus far, just wait and see. Oh, and lots of guys i have flown with have said they are willing to sign to just keep their job, dam the company plays this game better than our split labor groups do.

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