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Mesaba reaches TA - Details pending...

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WRONG. WE are in this position because of scum/scab airlines such as Freedom/Mesa. Lowering the bar at any cost. Mesa pilots should live in shame. They will be looked down upon and ridiculed for years to come. That's a fact.

can I take a dump in their flight bags???
WRONG. WE are in this position because of scum/scab airlines such as Freedom/Mesa. Lowering the bar at any cost. Mesa pilots should live in shame. They will be looked down upon and ridiculed for years to come. That's a fact.

I think they call that the "Mesa made me do it" excuse.
I hope it gets voted down. This is ridiculous. I don't even need to see it and I now its a stinking pile of crap. Vote it down and show Jinglepants you aren't going to eat his sh*t sandwich.
It isn't Mesa/Freedom. If this concessionary deal passes, chalk one up for ALPA being outsmarted by Jinglepants and the gang. Sad but true. As for all the Pinnacle guys always talking big, you'll have your chance to strike. We'll see if you get a good contract. I sincerely hope you guys do but history at 9E points to "NO"

Come on, folks. Why not wait a day or at least see what was agreed upn before dismissing it as garbage. All along through this process our MEC and Negotiating committee have told us that they would not agree to something that the pilots would not ratify. I believe them when they say that. I am sure that they were very careful how this deal was put together, especially since basically the whole industry is watching us at this point. I am not sure how I will vote yet, but then again I have not seen it yet. That is my point. If this truly is a substandard TA, then it should be treated as such and voted down and yes even criticized by all the experts here on this board. But at least wait for the details before the bashing begins. Our Negotiating committee has been busting their tails on this and I believe they should have the benefit of the doubt at this early, early stage.
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Excellent post avrorj-85. I agree our NC have worked very hard and deserves the benefit of the doubt. Emotions are still high and I think everyone needs to take a wait and see approach.
I bet Trenary and Co. are down on Beale Street celebrating the fact that the standards have been set even lower now. I can just see it "... we will need to make certian concessions to be competitive with Mesaba." Sometimes, we are our worst enemy. I hope they vote no. I know when my company gets whipsawed again, we have half the guts of the NWA flight attendants.

Remember this: the bottom is wherever we want it to be. Sometimes, its better too walk away.
stop bashing each other, i think the sole problem here is ALPA not bringing the pilots together and allowing the race to the bottom to happen. DWoerth was not bright enough to look into the future and see the writing on the wall that said this crap was coming. OH the other problem is greedy pilots who say not to across the board rules and wage minimums. i mention this to fellow mesaba pilots and they laugh and say no way...... well to all of those out there who want to bitch about this problem, come up with a solution and tell your rep. But look at all the unions which are successful in protecting their careers.....the blue collar ones who do construction. yes they have their faults, but, when they make an hourly wage, its standard across the industry. period! Oh, and their unions also take care of health care and retirement.

Now about the new TA, what i ask is mmmmm what will i lose? will it be our 11 day minimum days off? our four hour min day? How many percent will i lose off my pay? I am thinking 6%. I know we are getting some version of PBS, but will it be like our flight attendants? will we get screwed like they do when scheduling? Now is there a carrot at the end of this stick they have been beating me with? What will make some of the pissed off pilots sign yes to this contract? What sort of spin will our MEC give us? I trust their judgement, but i think we all got handed a ******************** sandwich by our government and court system. Period. Three rounds for the revolution!
well said

Come on, folks. Why not wait a day or at least see what was agreed upn before dismissing it as garbage. All along through this process our MEC and Negotiating committee have told us that they would not agree to something that the pilots would not ratify. I believe them when they say that. I am sure that they were very careful how this deal was put together, especially since basically the whole industry is watching us at this point. I am not sure how I will vote yet, but then again I have not seen it yet. That is my point. If this truly is a substandard TA, then it should be treated as such and voted down and yes even criticized by all the experts here on this board. But at least wait for the details before the bashing begins. Our Negotiating committee has been busting their tails on this and I believe they should have the benefit of the doubt at this early, early stage.

our MEC and negotiators have been doing a great job, lets wait and see! But i still say we have been fundementally screwed by our government.

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