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Mesaba reaches TA - Details pending...

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Please remember that the MEC and the NC bust their backs to come up with the best agreement they possibly can. They are working against a group of managers who are totally greedy, selfish, power hungry, and have 99% of the deck entirely and solidly rigged in favor of unethical corporate greed. Our team does the absolute best they can, and then it is the pilots who ultimately accept or reject. Please also remember that there are currently over 200 pilots on furlough, who do not get to vote at all.

Of course, no one cares about these points, 'cause we're on flightinfo.com, after all.
Lets see, Will Not Accept A TA Untill ALL Members of the Coalition Have TA's.

What happened to that?

You are absolutely correct. We all come up with a TA together.

Plus everyone is correct. It is not a TA yet.....it is only a negotiated agreement that needs to be voted on the MEC to bring it to the pilot group to be voted on. That is when it becomes an actual TA...or tentative agreement.
I don't know Gumby, I sat there and listened to them tell me what the open items were, what the "group" had decided the minimum was via wilson polling, etc., and then I saw the TA which was far less than what we were supposed to be willing to strike for. They didn't say this is what we might strike for, they said this is what we will strike for. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. It's not that I didn't get what I wanted, the pilot group didn't get what we were supposed to be willing to strike for as per the MEC. Maybe they didn't lie, they just changed their minds, either way it didn't play out as advertised, that is for sure. It's not meant to be a personal attack on anyone, it's not whining, it's just the way it is. I'm not sure what is Cliff Claven about that. I'm not going to argue with you about it, it's in the past. I didn't like it so I left. But I feel very badly for the pilots there and I thoroughly understand their frustrations, and I would think every pilot at XJ would understand that. Good luck to you all.
I don't think if the pilots at Mesaba vote in this contract they are in anyway worse than mesa, Gojet, or skywest; This goes the same for NWA pilots who supposedly caved. The latter carriers voted in those substandard contracts in a time their companies were profitable and/or startup. The pilots at Mesaba have had their rights as works stripped of them and they are without options. They can vote no on this TA, and no matter what, they will be working under it. This is the exact same thing we were faced with at NWA mainline, although the Mesaba pilots have taken it longer because the company decided to explore its options. Pilots that have decide they do not want to be a part of the concessions have walked off the job from both Mesaba and NWA. How many pilots quit at Skywest when they said they were going to operate 90 seat at 50 seat pay?
Ok, why are there Mesaba pilots who are even thinking about voting yes on any TA? I don't care what may be in this TA, unless it's our current contract or better, I'm going to vote no. And this isn't an attack on our union because they have done an excellent job this past year and I understand that they are bound by the law to negotiate. But for our pilot group to actually consider voting yes is just troubling. Why should we vote in a subpar contract for growth we were probably going to get anyway. It's not our fault that NWA and Mesaba are a greedy bunch or so incompetent as to put our company in bankruptcy. They are trying to take money from us because of their greed and/or general ineptitude. I am not going to be responsible for lowering the standards of this industry. I have too much dignity to allow the promise of shiny new jets to make me say "oh yes please, pay me less to fly those". Mesaba is backed against the wall... otherwise why else would they be negotiating so furiously the past few days? Call their bluff and see what happens. That way, if we do liquidate and we have to find other jobs, at least we can tell other people that we worked for Mesaba and not have to mutter it under our breath in shame...

Are you kidding me? Your company is bankrupt. Paycuts are an inevitable result of banrkruptcy. You and your pilot group would be best served by agreeing to whatever your company needs to survive and exit bankruptcy. You can work on getting your concessions back at a later date. It's better to live to fight another day.
Are you kidding me? So when the company that's in a SHAM bankruptcy that never actually need the cuts to begin with tells you to bend over, your supposed to ask how far? You've got to be smoking some good crack.

What other day are you talking about? Your looking at 5 year contract with at least two more years added on for negiotiations. Do you really want to live under a crap contract for 7+ years?
Here's the problem. ALPA at XJ is represented by a fine group of people, who no doubt, are honorable, competent and hard working people. They are there in effort to save the airline. They should be commended for coming up with a TA.

But the bottom line is that XJ claims it needs severe cuts to survive. And my question is why? Is it because the costs of shedding the AVRO’s were too great? They should be making plenty of money to cover the costs of operating the Saabs on a going forward basis.
Someone answer this:
Is it really the case that the XJ pilots are overpaid relative to the other regionals?

Are their work rules out of line with other airlines?

Why take a substandard deal to fix a temporary problem?

When XJ expands and is making boat loads of money, will you regret your decision?

On this very message board, there have been many many XJ pilots that said they wouldn't take a concessionary contract, period. Well, here we are.

By taking concessions now, what you are really doing is investing in the airline and unless substantial returns are enumerated in the TA, your payback is merely a job at lower compensation.

Everyone has to make their own personal decision. If I was close to retirement, or really had to live in domicile, I might vote for it. But if you do vote for a concessionary contract when you aren't overpaid in the first place, please do not criticize the compensation and QOL at your competitors.

Today is the other day.
Skywest and Mesa eat your hearts out we'll soon have all your jobs. You pricks put us in this position I hope we put you all out on the street because our new "growth contract" To every other respectable airline sorry we tried.
Don't vote Republican and I'll stop ranting.

Loser talk.

When YOU'RE given the chance to swallow concessions or walk the line (and maybe lose your job), you swallowed. Then you whine that if ONLY SOMEONE ELSE had taken that risk, you wouldn't be in this situation.

You're no better than <insert airline you don't like> because you did the same thing they did.

Don't feel bad. Most majors and regionals have been doing the same lately. The ONLY regional carrier that can stand tall is COMAIR, who acually put it all on the line when it counted during their last strike. But they might have to do it all over again.

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