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MESA TA Question

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Re: Dakota.

WileE said:
I might be missing something, but which of the wholly owneds have already signed on with J4Js? I've heard a lot of talk about which ones might be signing on in the future, but I was unaware that anybody has actually signed a contract for it besides Mesa, which signed it back in October. Again, if your WO has put a j4j agreement in writing, please enlighten me with some details (seriously, if it has happened I'd be interested in hearing about it).

As far as flow up into mainline US Air goes, if this is in fact part of your j4j agreement, so what? Talk is that if everything goes according to plan mainline might begin recalling their furloughees back in what, 5 to 7 years? So we should sign an agreement that would maybe get flow up for some started ten years or more down the road? I'm sorry, but I have yet to meet anyone working for Mesa who even wants to work for USAir. So why should we push for flow up into a company that may, possibly hire us into the right seat of a jet 10-15 years down the road when there will probably be a lot of hiring on other majors 5 years down the road?

As far as the pay scale goes, are there any airlines whose employees are in contract negotiations right now that look like they will be getting pay raises? It seems the most common thing right now is to settle for pay cuts. At least Mesa hasn't taken any concessions. That's the problem with most people, they would sell their soul for a slight pay raise tomorrow instead of being in a position to really set the standard for pay and benefits at a regional airline down the road. You can't bargain for industry leading contracts from a position of total weakness. Leave that for later when we hold all the cards. Miracles don't occur over night, give it time.

It's funny that on another thread you bashed one of my fellow WO brothers for posting information that was old, yet you don't seem to know about things that happened months ago.

1.) PSA signed on to J4J during the middle of last year when the MEC forced it upon the pilot group "without" membership ratification. The other two WOs followed shortly after. They were allowed to vote. Mesa did not sign an agreement on J4J in Oct. like you say. The only agreement for J4J with Mesa is in your current TA which has yet to be ratified. PSA, PDT, ALG and Midway are the only carriers with Jets4Jobs agreements in place.

2.) To address you second paragraph. Jets4Jobs for Contract Carriers, ie: Midway, Mesa, CHQ, TSA, ect... will not be the same as it is for the WO. The terms are set up in a way that(and I'll try and keep it simple) in order to flow you have to currently be a Mainline furloghee or WO pilot. Keep in mind this is the way its supposed to work, and with MidAtlantic further away from starting than ever, who knows.

All Mainline furloughees will go to MidAtlantic and as positions open up at Mainline those at MDA(MidAtlantic) will go back to Mainline, thus creating an opening for the WO pilots to fill at MDA eventually bleeding out the pilot list at the WOs and ending up with one express carrier. When positions open up at Mainline again then the WO pilots who would now be at MDA will then flow to Mainline. That would be the point where US Airways will then hire into MDA. In other words, No more outside hiring for a very long time and no contract carrier pilot can go to MDA until the WO pilots have flowed. Nothing can be done on US Airways Group property(ie; Mainline, PDT, PSA, ALG or MDA) until out of bankruptcy.

As far as this comment you made: "I'm sorry, but I have yet to meet anyone working for Mesa who even wants to work for USAir. "

This is one of the other reasons WO pilots don't want you Contract Carriers here.

You also said, "It seems the most common thing right now is to settle for pay cuts."

If I asked you to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you? Try to be a leader the community is watching.

And I could'nt forget,"At least Mesa hasn't taken any concessions."

Could you actually go lower than you are now?
Vote no

Being a former Mesa pilot who now flys for SKYW, I urge all Mesa pilots to vote NO! You are already at the bottom of the industry payscale--please don't drag down the rest of us. Sh*t-talk-what? is the lowest I believe and a pox on their house. All we hear over at SKYW is how we have to be paid the least in the industry in order to be competitive. We must draw a line in the sand and say "this far, and no farther!" I for one will vote for a union just to prevent unilateral payscale changes by our beloved management. They have the shareholders best interest at heart (as they should) not the employees. I am both.

Vote NO! and stop the erosion of wages. Capitalism and competition is a process not a result. In order to be fair competition has to occur in a free market and the airline industy ain't it. Spare me the Econ101 arguments because according to the M.A. I have, labor economics is more like Econ 826!

Vote NO!
Vote Down YES

This TA is not worth much. I'm voting it down. I hope most Mesa pilots see the light too. Upgrade isn't everything. No jump seat clause, only eight days off for reserve, too many five day trips, no daily minimum hour pay, $1.15 per diem, average 11 days off per bid (actually only nine after intergration)... is very sad.

If this TA gets voted in... I will leave the company. It's not worth it.


BoredToDeath said:
2.) To address you second paragraph. Jets4Jobs for Contract Carriers, ie: Midway, Mesa, CHQ, TSA, ect... will not be the same as it is for the WO. [/B]

We voted J4J down here at CHQ.

Sh*t-talk-what? is the lowest I believe and a pox on their house

Compared to Mesa's TA our contract is golden! Sad but true.
It looks like jo may want the j4j thing so badly that he will be more than willing to sit back down after you vote no . It took us voting dowm two "final offers" , under the threat of liquidation, to get the company to get serious.
I have seen it, and I know what you guys and gals are up against. There is no way in hell he is going to scrap the airline over this. He knows he can afford what we have at Comair, he just does not want to pay it. And he won't, unless you make him.

We were on strike for 89 days, and we all all doing just fine now. You can survive, just as we did. Will it be easy? Not for most. I saved money for two solid years knowing we would be out for a while, others did not. But we all survived and have a contract that is WAY better than the "second final offer" they attempted to shove down our throats.

Stand strong, stand united!!!!
JO says.......

sign or liquidate........he has ALL the current USAirways Express airplanes lined up to be leased to other carriers if the TA is voted down. All the growth will then go to Freedumb....I am still voting NO!!!!!!
>>>You also said, "It seems the most common thing right now is to settle for pay cuts."<<<

Really? Besides the majors, the only regionals I know of that have had to "settle" for pay cuts are the three wholly owned airlines of US Airways ----> only because of your goofy contract at Mesa dragging us down. If it were not for the flood of cheap-o outfits wearing the same colors as our own airlines, and the threat of bankruptcy liquidation there would not have been any concessions.

Otherwise, name one other regional that has had to "settle". Truth is that you suckers believe the propaganda Johnny O throws out without question, it comes down to this, if you Mesa guys realy feel like you are not worthy of a real contract, then go ahead and show the world by voting yes.

Just remember that this will be what you have to deal with for the next 5-6 years. You might get that upgrade your lusting after, but then what buddy? Not too much to look forward to after that, is there?

And like I said, it will be a different world when the majors do start hiring again. You might find yourself at Mesa a lot longer than you realize. Better be careful what contract you stick yourself with...


It sounds to me like Mesa might be lucky if they get to vote. According to the Airways MEC update for Feb. 17, the Mesa MEC has givin approval for J4Js at Mesa without letting the pilot group vote on it.

Sounds like your MEC is cutting himself a deal and does'nt trust the pilot group. Watch out cause he'll probably ratify your contract for you too, just like they did to us.
If you guys vote know I will vote Yes to any assesment that ALPA wants other pilots to pay to help you guys out. JO is a motherless a$$-clown. He almost destroyed COEX when he was here.

HOLEY CRAP.............i just saw the payscales. What the heck is that all about. 18 months and less than a dollar raise? Some are less that 50 cents? The pay rates for the CRJ are less than at COEX now!!! Guys please. Dont do it.
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