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MESA TA Question

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Spaceman said, "You say you have scope protection and yet your flying is being bid out to contract carriers. Do you even hear what you are saying? Are you able to connect the dots yet? Get with reality...Go and be shortsighted no more.


Come back down to earth, your minds to small to wonder out on its own.:D Do you even know what scope is. I guarntee you that your scope language is exactlly the same as what most of us have. And yet we've had it for years. Who do you think your gonna scope out. Us or perhaps Mainline. I don't think so. All your language says is that Mesa will not create another alter-ego, ie: Freedom. Well guess what? PSA airlines cannot do that either. And because of other language US Airways Group cannot create an alto-ego. ie: another WO. They can create a division of Mainline which is what they are gonna do instead of MDA.

I see what your saying about Express flying being contracted out and there is no way for us to stop that. Just like Mesa could lose all Airways flying tomorrow and no amount of scope you have would be able to stop it. In order for the WOs to have that kind of power we would first have to be considered for bargining reasons a single carrier with a single sen. list. Well with over 1700 pilots on the street from Mainline. Who the heck would want a single sen. list. They had their chance years ago and said no. Its to late now and they have to wait untill times are good to look for flowthroughs and such.

US Airways Group Flying is being sub-contracted to sub-service companies such as yours because the Mainline pilots control REAL SCOPE. They say how much can be contracted out and thats their shortsightedness not ours.

In closing I'll give you some dots to connect. JO is much smarter than your pilot group. To be in his position he would have to be. So I would try to find out what he really wants if you want to win. I'll bet everything I own that he could give a rats a$$ if you sign or not. One way or the other he will find a way around whatever he just gave you.

And I highly doubt the WOs will go anywhere. We may be losing aircraft shortly, but more will be on the way. The WOs unlike the contract carriers, put Millions of dollars a year into Groups pockets with better than avg. performance. Dave knows he would be a retard to get rid of us.
Jeepman said:
The word is that they want us to take a pay cut in the form of flying a 70 seat RJ for 50 seat pay, or a 90 seat RJ for who knows what pay.

Does Sky West currrently operate a 70 or 90 seat aircraft?
Is it a pay cut if you fly a bigger airplane, hopefully short term, for the same amount of money as a slightly smaller one?
To me a pay cut means a reduction in pay.
Or have I misunderstood you and what you're really saying is that you will receive less money than you currently do to fly a 50 seater but your pay gets bumped back to current rates when you fly a 70 seater?
I'm confused.
JO will have 4.5 years to refill his bag of dirty tricks. He did it once, he can do it again.

Nothing is iron clad while lawyers exist!!

It will proabably be quite some time before Mesa Air Group no longer needs Mesa. According to other post they only have 7 or 8 aircraft.This would seem the perfect time to force the issue,and it doesen't look like JO is going to do anything voluntarily .Look how long it took Comair to get what they wanted but they finally brought management to its knees, and they had the backing of Delta.JO alone could not surrive with only a Freedumb to pick up the slack.

TO Wile E:
The problem with CCAir the had no leverage,they were in efect to small to have any bargaining power.On the other hand he could not fire or shut down Mesa as he did CCAir or his company would be over.If this man is not forced into a decent deal I don't think at this point he is going to give you one.
Currently SkyWest only has 50 seat a/c. My guess is that we will probably get 90 seat a/c. I heard all this from SAPA. I don't consider it a pay cut myself, but I am reluctant to do it because some of our own people are labeling it as scab work, which I don't agree with. The same people are probably the ones that will vote in a union (UPA) for us and really throw things in the toilet. One of the first things that the UPA wants to do is get medical benefits after we rertire. As much as I would love that, NOW IS NOTE THE TIME!! for that or a union.
Some real good points being tossed around. I agree that you cannot compare the fate of CCair with that of Mesa's should you choose to vote this down....and you definitely should. You guys are over TEN times the size CCair was. Thats a huge difference, and there is no better time than now to stand up for what you deserve. Most importantly this TA is waaaaay too long at 4.5 years. You may get a bunch of jets and upgrade fast, but you will be screwing the people at the bottom of YOUR list when hiring slows down..... not just other companies trying to get a decent contract (CHQ). 8 days off on reserve! 1.15 per diem!! thats crazy . Why not submit this piece of $hit TA to the press, its a total insult to the piloting profession. If you are under the impression that by voting this in now, you will have something to stand on in 4.5 years think again. Management is more clever than you think and JO WILL have more dirty tricks, thats something you can count on. Seems as though your MEC sold you out on this one....I hear they are 'recommending' this TA too. Someone is getting a little something on the side. You guys have the ability just like the comair folks did to do some good here. Good luck.
Jeepman said:
One of the first things that the UPA wants to do is get medical benefits after we rertire. As much as I would love that, NOW IS NOTE THE TIME!! for that or a union.

I'd love to see any union get your management to commit to a totally unknown and unprojectable expense. It's lofty and unreachable goal IMHO. I think you'd have a better shot at a pension. Do you think that the union will get voted in? I'd be surprised that anyone would take them seriously if they're talking about nonsensical ideas like guaranteed health benefits after retirement in this revenue environment. I'd be more concerned about just having a job that long.
Best of luck either way.
I am in a WO and do not envy MESA's decision at all. I know that I would be able to vote no. But, that is easy for me to say on the outside. I know that this is not the best time to hold every one together in a strong stand for the industry. Yet, the line has to be drawn somwhere. If it doesn't happen now with the lowest bar, next time our negotiations (PDT) come around we will be trapped by the same problems. "Well, thats fine you want livable wages, work rules and benifits, MESA over there will do it for half..." I hope you see where we are coming from.

I wish the best for MESA's contract, if you win, we all win.
The thing about this contract.

It is better than what we are flying now. Not much better granted, but there are some minor improvements and nothing has gotten any worse. That this TA is so crappy says more about how crappy the former contract that the union negotiated more than anything else. Are we happy that this is going to be 4 and a half years? No, not at all. Would three be better, sure, but that's what we are given. Are we pissed off at the union for not doing better? Hell yes. Is anyone suprised? Hell no. We're still second class citizens as far as ALPA is concerned and we'll always get the short stick. Is there anything we can do about it and still have a job? Probably not, that's the problem with working in a closed shop industry.

Bored, as far as our scope goes, this is supposedly the most ironclad and far reaching scope at any airline anywhere. This scope was written by the union and presented to the company. It's the union's dream scope and JO took it withou modifications in exchange for this contract, that's why it was a mistake for him to take it as written and is why the union is so committed to passing the TA. The scope in the TA is not a negotiated clause at all, it is straight from the union lawyers.

The important thing for those people who will actually vote is to go to the road shows and ask questions. If they still don't like the answers, they can vote an informed no, not purely an emotional one. And if 51% vote no, then don't be suprised if anyone not willing to fly for Freedom is on the street in six months instead of flying as a jet captain.
WileE "we're still second class citizens as far as Alpa is concerned and will always get the short end of the stick."

I think you are way off base. Didn't Alpa just allocate several million dollars in strike funds for Mesa? Isn't there quite a bit of coverage on the negative ramifications of working for Freedom on the Alpa webpage. Just a couple years ago Comair revolutionized the regional industry through a tough, tight knit pilot group being led by a rock solid MEC. I don't think Mesa has either of those and the shortcomings of this TA should be attributed to your MEC rather than Alpa national. They can give you the tools to go out and fight for a contract that pays you what you are worth but you gus have to do the work. Who voted in your MEC and who do they really represent? I sure wouldn't want to count on things improving in 4.5 years because by then JO would have found something horrible to do and will once again agree to get rid of problem XYZ in exchange for you accepting dog sh#t wages and work rules for another 5 years. That's just my .02 cents.

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