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MESA TA Question

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WOW the cancer is going to grow. At those pay rates you will be able to let JO cut knees out from Other Regionlas who pave the way for a decent living. Do you guys not get it!!!! MESA is your going to be your career. Get a GOOD wage. The pay at ACA is per (2/9/02):

1st 21.53 55.47
2nd 34.19 57.19
3rd 35.26 58.96
4th 36.35 60.79
5th 37.47 62.67
6th 38.62 64.60
7th 39.82 66.60
8th 41.05 68.60

compare to MESA
DOS + 18 mo DOS + 36 mo DOS + 54 mo
1 $51.17 $20.47 $52.19 $20.88 $53.24 $21.30 $54.30 $21.72
2 $52.76 $27.42 $53.82 $27.97 $54.89 $28.53 $55.99 $29.10
3 $54.35 $30.59 $55.44 $31.20 $56.55 $31.83 $57.68 $32.46
4 $55.99 $31.90 $57.11 $32.54 $58.25 $33.19 $59.42 $33.85
5 $57.64 $32.85 $58.79 $33.51 $59.97 $34.18 $61.17 $34.86
6 $59.32 $33.62 $60.51 $34.29 $61.72 $34.98 $62.95 $35.68
7 $60.94 $34.07 $62.16 $34.75 $63.40 $35.45 $64.67 $36.16
8 $62.90 $34.55 $64.16 $35.24 $65.44 $35.95 $66.75 $36.66
9 $64.83 $35.04 $66.13 $35.74 $67.45 $36.45 $68.80 $37.18
10 $66.82 $68.16 $69.52 $70.91
11 $68.75 $70.13 $71.53 $72.96
12 $70.85 $72.27 $73.71 $75.19
13 $72.95 $74.41 $75.90 $77.42
14 $75.21 $76.71 $78.25 $79.81
15 $76.26 $77.79 $79.34 $80.93

I am not sure whom is worse Mesa pilot group if they vote yes or Capt. Worthless if he signs it...
To Stayseated

You are correct about the CCAir deal,they turned down the first T/A and then passed the second one which was worse but it was approved by the MEC.Then believe it or not Worth would not sign it because it was crap.I wonder what he thinks the current MESA deal is?I've seen them both and this lastest deal is much worse.The CCAir boys are confused at least the ones I've talk to have said they would have been better off with their original deal.There must be something going on,I can't believe Worth would sign off on anything as bad as this.I can see not getting a premium deal at this time,maybe 5 or 10% or so below Comair but that thing is ridicuious. And work rules, we won't even go there.
Hud said:
dakotaHC8 said: "And like I said, it will be a different world when the majors do start hiring again. You might find yourself at Mesa a lot longer than you realize."

Lots of Mesa pilots at the majors, fella. What's up with the veiled threats?

I don't think that's a threat, just the truth.

If you guys sign off on this TA, you will be hurting the industry as much as Freedumb Air. Don't buy into the crap that JO is feeding you guys, VOTE NO FOR YOUR GOOD AND THE INDUSTRIES GOOD!

If you guys pass this you will have shot yourselves and everyone else in the foot. Don't sell yourselves short for God sakes.
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Glad to hear there is a No vote coming from you Hud. I think JO is full of it. That offer is an insult to your professionalism. Our contract at COEX that's almost 5 years old is better than that offer. Here, 5th year 145 capt is $58.08 and that aint great. I think you guys could get another couple percent and a few more days off, along with better work rules. I hope this thing gets voted down!

You're welcome to any assesment for a strike, and I'll even come out and walk the picket line with you guys. Good luck, I know you can get better.
Mesa Air Group provides critical feed to Us Airways and America West, both of which are teetering on financial ruin. We need to recognize the political reality ¡s the possibility that we simply wouldn¡¦t be allowed to strike during these uncertain economic times. Our MEC sent this **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** out They sure are trying to sell this TA when it should sell its self! VOTE NO
No one is "threatening your entry in the majors." DakotaHC8
is just saying that WO carriers industry wide are negotiating
flow, and that as a contract carrier, you have limited ability to
do so.

That being the case, it is in the Mesa pilots interest to build
a contract like Air Wis where if someone has to stay there for
a career, you can retire with decent quality of life.

This TA is first step in making Mesa a decent outfit. It my vote,
but it is the fight of all of us. Remember that when you vote.
Come on Mesa guys/gals we all know that this TA is nothing more than CRAP. And reasoning because it is better than the contract you currently are under is even a sadder statement.

I suggest you talk to your friends at other regionals and compare contracts to see what you are missing out on.

10 days off for line holders, most regionals get 11.

8 days off for reserve guys, most get 11 that is 36 more days off a year.

1.15/hr. per diem, most get at least 1.50 and some get more.

I am not going to point out every inadequecy in your TA but you guys really have a lot of work to do. Sure JO can threaten all he wants, this generally scares the most Junior guys the old divide and conquer. But who does he think is going to do all of Mesas flying when you guys/gals CALL his bluff. And don't tell me Freedom, seems like they don't have the planes or pilots to pick up this slack. Also if he tried to do this I believe and hope ALPA would be a little more vocal on the whole Freedom issue.

With regard to all the rumore about United shifted its regional flying to Mesa to save money that should speak volumes to all of you. That should be a clue how underpaid you all are. I hope that your growth at the expense of higher paid pilots doesn't put a smile on your face. No, I don't want a whole RJ debate on this, leave that to another thread.

Looks like it is a race to the bottom after all.

Mesa VOTE NO!!!
JO played his hand well

As much as I think JO is cheap and ruthless, you have to admit that he played this one pretty well. When he started Freedom he was banking on the fact that the MESA ALPA pilots would have major job security fears due to the weak economy. He rightly guessed that the containment of Freedom would become the number 1 issue in negotiations at the expense of almost everything else. This is the use of psychological warfare at it's best (or worst depending on how you look at it.) The money invested to start Freedom will pay incredible dividends if he can achieve a major labor cost advantage for the next 6.5 years (4.5 year contract plus 2 more years tying up the next negotiations with the NMB.) If this thing ratifies JO will be a hero to the other airline CEO's and they will use his tactics over and over on the rest of us. We will be destined to never advance economically.

Don't let this guy beat you. Ask yourselves this; if it was more cost effective for him to do all of things that he is threatening why wouldn't he just do it and avoid a deal with ALPA altogether? Why wouldn't he just transfer all the assets to Freedom and hire off the street, sell Air Midwest, dispose of planes at will, lay people off, sign a JFJ agreement with USAir and freedom, etc? You can't stop him from bleeding you to death if really wants to, and with no contracts on the property he could just repeat the same strategy if Freedom ever organized and tried to get a contract. There must be more than meets the eye here. There has to be a big element of bluff here or he would just steamroll over you right now and break the union altogether while he has a window of opportunity. My guess is that the cost and complexity to totally circumvent ALPA and redesign the wheel from scratch would be astronomical.

I feel for you guys and gals. I can't think of a worse time in the history of the airline industry to try to get a deal done. You are in a tough spot with a tough economy fighting a tough SOB and an uncertain future. Unfortunately you are even in the position where you need to fight other airline pilots who have invaded your corporation with the intent of stealing your jobs. There is risk involved with standing up to this guy but he is at risk as well if you can get to a release date with the NMB. It's unfortunate that a rejected TA will waste a lot of valuable time and set the negotiations way back. The NMB always punishes unions when TA's get rejected. It might have been better to hold out and not bring this thing to a vote but it's water under the bridge now. Your CEO is playing his hand for all it's worth, but don't go for the first thing thrown on the table. Wages notwithstanding, things like 1.15 per diem, no WX CX pay, 8 days off, and training contracts are adding insult to injury. Times are bad and if you need to bite the bullet on wages for the first year or so that's understandable, but at least get everything else and get the wages later in the deal. As it stands now you will really feel cheated a couple of years from now and there won't be anything you can do about it as you sit and watch JO get rich off your labor. Don't agree to unconditional surrender without a fight. Like it or not, you are on the front lines of an economic war between unionized pilots and regional airlines. If this agreement get's ratified we all get set back 5-10 years. JO is looking to undercut every other regional and build an empire. This TA is his chosen weapon of mass destruction against unionized labor. Vote No....stay strong and stay unified and you will prevail. God help any "Freedom" pilot who attempts to jumpseat on my plane!
Anyone in the 1900 should look long and hard at the wording here.
This appears to be the company's way of saying "If we sell AMW, you
guys go with it. But don't worry, we'll guarantee you an interview
with the prospective buyer-hope everything works out for you in the
end. Best of luck. See ya." Our MEC has stated that none of the
junior pilots would be sold out. Yeah, right. This is nothing more
than a subversive way to make room on the "all jet" seniority list
for the suckers at San Juan who continually pump money into the
company coffers, and are willing to live on rice and beans. Nothing
more than a continual way for JO to draw FO's into the loop for a few
years, while protecting senior captains and furlouged mainline guys.
I'm in the jet, and senior enough not to worry. But I'm still going
to vote "no" on principle. Andy, Don, and anyone else
who "negotiated" on behalf of the pilot group, this is pathetic. I'd
advise all you 1900 drivers to ask alot of questions at the
roadshows. You could be pilots without a company before long. I
smell several lawsuits. Vote "no". Take the furlough if it
happens. When the NMB rules that Freedom is illegitimate, you'll be
back to work in no time, and hopefully some of the clowns who
orchestrated this mess will be the ones out on the street.

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