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Lobby for Age 70!

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This issue has shattered the relationship between the union, the senior membership and the junior membership. The age +60 cake-eaters lash out at the slightest critique of the situation so emphatically it is as though the rule never changed. It is as though these extra five years aren't of benefit to them at all. How can an age 70 effort be anything but a forgone conclusion? Mark my words, the guys working past 60 right now are squandering this benefit. In 2.5 years we'll be back at square one with these bozos.
Dude - are you listening?
you're exactly right- the timing and the cold turkey implementation that guaranteed furloughs at most airlines is EXACTLY the beef most pilots have with this rule change.


Then please stop making this a safety issue because it isn't and then maybe we can have an honest discussion on the matter.
People act as if this age change happened by surprise....yet, when the ICAO allowed pilots to fly over the age of 60 in foreign airlines, how many of you went to visit your elected representatives in DC to complain ?

When your own elected representatives in DC allowed pilots of foreign airlines over the age of 60 to fly in our airspace....you knew...YOU KNEW the barn door had opened...but...what did you do about it? did you call your elected rep in DC to let them know how you felt about it? If they disagreed, did you vote against them ? Is that all you did? Did you contribute to their opponents campaigns? Did you volunteer to work on a campaign to keep the guy that made this happen out of office?

How about when your congressman and senators voted ( unanimously) to let it actually happen in the US ? What did you do about it? Did you just vote against them? If you did, is that all you did ? There wasn't more you could do ?

As Pilots, we are decision-makers. BUT...when it comes to our careers, we bitch, whine and complain, but are content to let someone else do the heavy lifting.

Pilots...we are sometimes our own worst emenies.
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Dude - are you listening?
you're exactly right- the timing and the cold turkey implementation that guaranteed furloughs at most airlines is EXACTLY the beef most pilots have with this rule change.

It all started with the swapa sellouts. When the furloughs start at LUV this fall, the junior pilots like waveflyer can look no further than the swapa sellouts for being the catalyst for "age 65." These guys would sell their sould to the devil.
naively thinking that any pilot group will look out for any other pilot group, everyman for himself what is best for me is best for everyone.

And yet that's not the premise of unions now is it Yip?
Do we hear 75....80....85.....90...95....100?! The final bid for an airline captain mandatory retirement age is______????
Most of the over 60 guys couldn't pass a JAA class I. I am not sure all of the under 60 guys could either, its a two day ordeal. If they want to do away with a number, then they have to tighten the AME standards. And yes it IS a SAFETY issue.

And yet that's not the premise of unions now is it Yip?
yes it is, Unions are dominated by the senior guys who vote to protect themselves to the determint of the juniors, do I have post a bunch of times this has happened? "B" scale, scope causes that screwed regionals forever, SLI during mergers, etc. In every economic transaction everyone looks out for their own best interest, screw everyone else. Unity is defined Yes you can be part of the 'brother hood" if you agree with me"
yes it is, Unions are dominated by the senior guys who vote to protect themselves to the determint of the juniors, do I have post a bunch of times this has happened? "B" scale, scope causes that screwed regionals forever, SLI during mergers, etc. In every economic transaction everyone looks out for their own best interest, screw everyone else. Unity is defined Yes you can be part of the 'brother hood" if you agree with me"

BS. What about the CAL strike? Prater & company were junior then and only agreed to "fight" Lorenzo if the union underwent assessments to fund his strike pay. That money didn't grow on trees, and the amounts were quite large on an individual basis. (maybe you paid some?) That's not only an example of senior taking care of the junior in ALPA, that's a case Prater turning his back to a unique responsibility he should realize is his to repay those who are now junior.

The point you are making is unique to guys like Prater and yourself and your generation. When you guys are done with this we"ll all be better off.
I agree that being a fat pilot is not cool but the only limits on weight should be with the FAs. They should be discriminated against for age and size. I say size 6 and age 26. Then buh-bye! Just a thought.

EXACTLY!!! NO MORE FAT CREW MEMBERS!!!! You look unprofessional and disgusting! I am so sick and tired of seeing overweight pilots and FA's.. it is a horrible image to the flying public. Here's an idea: PACK a HEALTHY lunch, stop eating Wendy's(BK MCD, Taco bell, etc), Hit the GYM instead of the BAR at the hotel, and lead a better more active lifestyle!..... off soap box

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