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Lobby for Age 70!

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I'm all for no age limit if they require the medical standards to become much tougher and they throw AME's in jail if they don't follow the standards. If we did that then we would have 80% of the pilot population medical out by age 60 anyways. Even if we forced the AME's to follow the current standarads we have, there would be alot of guys medical out early. I heard a rumor that there are like 25 AME's who do more than 60% of all medical exams in the country. Wonder why those guys get so much business??
What will suck is when you work until your 65 to get a few extra bucks in that retirement account then die when your 68 because you worked an extra 5 years. I don't care what you say, someone who flies for 30+ years will die on average earlier than someone who sits at a desk for 30+ years. I know lots of retired guys who were dead before 70 (one who died this past week at age 68) so I have no intention of working past age 60 to pump up the retirement account so my family can line my casket with gold. I plan on flying for 30 years, retiring before age 60, then running out of retirement money around age 75 because I'll probably be dead before then due to stress this job puts on the body anyways.

Somebody gets it. Get rid of any mandatory retirement age? Unamerican. Age discrimination is in the US Constitution as it sets the minimum age to be president at 35. The US government sets a max age for Air Traffic Controllers at 56 extended to an absolute maximum of 61. Auto insurers set rates based on age. As for AME's, it takes a lot of sickly talent to fail an exam as the doctors that get the most business are not the ones putting pilots through a NASA equivalent physical analysis.

Edit: That's funny. I posted this and Truckdriver had already posted similar very valid argument on AME's.


And, even with all the above liabilities, the pilots aged 60-65 have the safest accident record. So, what does that say about YOUR flying abilities?

I am curious as to where you got this statistics? Just because airplane don't crash and you dont read it in the NYTimes doesn't mean what you're saying is true. Safest record to what??? And what do you know about HIS flying abilitites??? What a non-sense post.

How about we put handicap people in cockpits and let them fly with normal co-pilots for year. A then a year from now make a definite conclusion that medical license is not required for a pilot job.

The FAA has compared the accident rate, per 100,000 hours of flying, for age 60-65 pilots, and compared it to age <=60 pilots. Age 61-65 have the lowest accident rate.

Now that we have -121 pilots over age 60, we can now compare the -121 61-65, with the -121 <=60. I am almost 100% sure that the -121 study(ies) will corroborate the earlier studies, and the 61-65 pilots will be safest.

Pipejockey was making up a bunch of generalizations and stereotyping the over 60 guys. Not very nice!


You are funny! I have flown with several over 60er's recently, and I can tell you most are stuck in D-TO2!

I'm all for no age limit if they require the medical standards to become much tougher and they throw AME's in jail if they don't follow the standards.

As for AME's, it takes a lot of sickly talent to fail an exam as the doctors that get the most business are not the ones putting pilots through a NASA equivalent physical analysis.

One level of medical for all. If you want to up the standards, fine. But don't start whining when YOU lose YOUR medical at 45 because you don't measure up.
Of course they have the safest record, they sit on their a$$ at home an get paid for not flying. No wonder most majors have been in and out of BK court. Anyone who has had a stats class can tell you, "I can make the numbers say anything I want." The truth is, as humans age their mental facilities and physical reaction time slows. If you don't like that tough sh!t, because its a fact. You are not as safe as you think you are, I know that you wholeheartedly think you are, but you are not!! Sorry, to be the bearer of bad news.
It's in the works.

Not 'age 70' though.

Within 5 years there will be NO age limit...

Just like every other job.
What about the furloughees? Too bad, so sad? I get another 5 years added to my furlough? Yeah, that's fair. Why not wait until everyone is back on property before doing something like this?
Age 65 was written to include the provision that if you were over 60, but under 65, you could come back, but you could not sue for your original seniority. I believe it is not lost on those who wrote the rule that the number of pilots who came back under those terms is basically zero. So oversight understands that this retirement issue was never really about discrimination, or anything close to legitimate. It was about seniority and about taking seniority from other pilots outside the collective bargaining agreements.

Age 70 might be considered, but basically the pro age 65 crowd have already done it in. They've revealed themselves as nothing but greedy without even a modicum of professionalism.
How bout an f-in weight limit?

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