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Let's Hear it Folks ! You Might be a FR8DOG if......

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I have every Tower and approach on my normal route on speed dial.
fulcrum said:
this is the classic :D

" you are a frieght dog if you have nearly punched a grumpy on short final "
man i loved that thread !

Funny that you would mention that... I was trying to get into my final stop tonight, and I had a turtle head pokeing out. Now they were calling 100overcast and .25nm with fog. Now my alternate was almost 50min flying time away at 310 speeds. Do you honestly think I'm going to go missed at this point? I guess that's the best part about flying for a part 91 '134.5' opperation. No matter what we can make a go of it.

Turnning in with a 60 degree bank ON Top of the marker, at VLO +5 the whole way down.... you can't have fun like this with people in the back.

I kept thinking of the quote from the 'other' thread "when your configured for METO and feeling that Burito"
You look at the weather channel to see where the absolute crappiest weather is, because that is where you will have to fly to very shortly when the pager goes off.
...RVR600 and tower asks what RVR you need to land, they give it to you long enough to get inside the marker, then change it right back because they dont want Eagle to try the same thing who has been holding behind you for 90 minutes.

...tower asks what speed you can give to the marker, and you tell em 180 to the numbers (caravan). they come back and ask if that isnt more than VNO and you reply that your number was in groundspeed, as you reach down and pull the overspeed breaker (4th row down, 5th breaker in) so they cant hear the warning over freq.

...another angle on the ATIS wakeup call is the FD. arm approach mode, fly in heading mode. set an intercept ~30 miles out and i guarantee when the plane banks 30 degrees to grab the localizer you will wake up! ...so im told ;)
...you can paint the "floor" of Class Charlie with the Beacon on your tail and the "walls" with a nav light; if it can save ten minutes of routing/vectors.


"Southwest 1001, traffic 11 o'clock & 2 miles, southwest bound, 1,700 indicated. Look for a Navajo without windows and needing a paint job."

"Departure, SWA1001 traffic in sight. Looks like a ho' licking the icing off the cake."
If ya tie a flash-light to a runway light to raise the RVR, then take off before the batteries slowly go dead.

(True story....No furter details...:D )
If the only thing digital in your cockpit is your watch...........

It is kinda cool when all those airliners are in ground hold and you just taxi on by and blast off into the sh!t.......I love doing that!
When the graveyard line guy (king of the dips**ts) calls the cops on you for just going in the FBO for checking the weather radar on the computer. And tells you they don't like your kind in here, your not there type of clientel (even if you buy two hundered gallons of gas a day from them).

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