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Let's Hear it Folks ! You Might be a FR8DOG if......

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When you do your weight and balance for that flight when you get up to cruise.

When you know every ILS, Center, approach and tower frequency for your route.

When 300 and 1 mile is a good weather ,200 and 1/2 is a non event.

When your flight bag is a plastic grocery store bag.

You dont even check weather before you take off, because it doesnt matter anyways.

When you rely on FBO pastries and coffee for breakfast.
The only way the landing gear in your airplane
gets greased is if you do it yourself...

Beer does go good with cheerios! Better
with steak and eggs though...

You don't even bother thinking about not going

You know more about stellar constellations that
most navigators...

You have had dual generator failures more than

CLT clears you for the approach, landing and to
taxi to the ramp with him, all at the same time on the]
same freq...

You have one functioning set of engine instruments
divided between two engines...

You know exactly where on the arrival that the
left aux tank will run dry...

You dig in the FBO's trash can for bottles to spit
and piss in...

You are now flying pax around and hate those whiny
ba$tards..."I'm cold"..."I'm hot"...Are you the pilot?...
blahblahblah...and wish that someone would come along
and pay a little more to haul checks in a frelling Aztec
Frank Towns said:
When the graveyard line guy (king of the dips**ts) calls the cops on you for just going in the FBO for checking the weather radar on the computer. And tells you they don't like your kind in here, your not there type of clientel (even if you buy two hundered gallons of gas a day from them).

Ahh, you've been to MillionAir at BKL too eh?
Tonight....while me, a couple of epps guys and a starchecker are the only ones hand flying approaches in the phl/nyc/buf area :D

Does it get any better than this?
fu**k Million Air BKL go to Business AC Center down the taxiway, the girls are young and cute there(until 10pm anyway)
icefr8dawg said:
fu**k Million Air BKL go to Business AC Center down the taxiway, the girls are young and cute there(until 10pm anyway)

Well said! I used to work line at BAC years ago, much better FBO than MillionAir. And they actually appreciate and like their freight dog customers. :)
"You are now flying pax around and hate those whiny
ba$tards..."I'm cold"..."I'm hot"...Are you the pilot?...
blahblahblah...and wish that someone would come along
and pay a little more to haul checks in a frelling Aztec

God I miss freight!!!
You have to convince the RJ pilots in the hotel van that you really are a pilot despite your uniform of Carharts, sweater and dirty fleece jacket.

When you tell them what type of a/c you fly they don't know what it is because they just got out of Embry last week.

Happens to me every week at least once.
"When center asks how the ride is, you reply (while watching your app. plates float at eye level from the turb) 'not to bad, just a little rough'"

You don't ask for a lower altitude untill the fire extinguisher that's normaly bolted to the floor is somehow sitting on the seat next to you still in its mount.

Both of which happened to me lastnight....

Anybody use Weatherworks? I knew it had an audio warning that said "caution you are approaching a strong storm" well I heard a new one lastnight, 2x "caution you are approaching a rotating storm" WTF Is that? heh
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....."When the last thing you do before going to bed is eat breakfast..."

....."When you squawk 3-4 things after your last flight, then see the same aircraft taxiing out for takeoff 20mins later..."

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