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Let's Hear it Folks ! You Might be a FR8DOG if......

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Denizen said:
Never EVER straddle the J-bar (he says in high squeaky voice)

Nothing more powerful than words of wizdom from first hand experience! :)
You've never really enjoyed puzzles...

...but you'll be goddammed if you'll let one cubic foot go wasted when you're crammin' your old tired 207 full of other people's crap.

In fact, it becomes an issue of pride!

Hell ya, I can make it fit!
siouxicide said:
You've had to remind yourself to actually pay attention on an ILS to 100' & 1/2sm.

You've answered your cell on said ILS.

You've shot an ILS to mins at Vle.

You slow all the way down to Vle?

You know the guys who drive the crash truck on a first name basis.

You tell yourself jokes at 3am and they are actually funny.

You have ever considered declairing an emergency and returning to land when you find out you don't have your MP3 player with you tonight, but don't seem to mind if the gear/flaps/gyro's fail.

The guys in the tower start refering to you as "buddy" "Bro" "dude" or "man"

You sing the same songs to yourself night after night, only changing them to sing your 'approach' song when you start down the ILS.

You get pissed when you have to get on the radio and it interupts said singing
You had to fly a double shift tonight because the guy that normally flys the morning run had a "firearm accident." I suppose this could happen at any operation but happens to be common where I work.

Joking aside, get better fast D :)
ShadowFlight said:

Been there, done that working for CAF in IPJ. Sometimes, CLT would give the visual approach, landing, taxi, and outbound IFR clearances while still 30 miles from landing. CAE would give visual and landing clearances while still a ways out. The bennies of flying into CLT and CAE in the middle of the night.

Great times flying 42Y and 165R although I preferred 165R because it had a VSI and not those crummy Piper OBS'es...




I liked the 210 better than any of the lances...harder to
load, but a way better airplane. In fact I would have
rather been in 6Yankee Ba$tards than a lance, but it
really looked the freighter...

40259...the brown aztruck...she was my babydoll...
I couldda taken on the Iraqi airforce with that
machine...all she needed was a good bit of noseart!

Made "D" off of 23 in CLT in every type catbird had
except the 310...never flew it! (Delta is the one that
runs down to Signature isn't it?) I think they had
one of everything not beech!

Wonder what ever happened to "Tory" in FAY...


keep the dirty side more or less down bro...

You might be a freight dog if...

you know who the Midnight Truckin Bozo is...

you know where all of the ESPN Radio stations are from Texas to Detroit...

you think the female controllers are hot (or not) by the sound of their voice...

you have more energy and willpower after a long day of bad weather, holding in a turd, ect., than the guys unloading the plane who seem to have their a$$es bolted to the couch (intended for those who've had the wonderful experience at an unnamed business at DET)
"Fort Murray in the hood"
Detroit City is by far my least favorite airport in the country. I'd rather wait for fuel for 2 hours in Newark than go there...

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