I know a guy who just got furloughed that cleared over $100k in 2009 as a 3rd year NJA FO.
I was at 2 years 3 months...If I didn't bring home $5200 take home per month I was dissapointed... That was with out OT, contributing 19%, and working approx. 3 six day trips......Typically the only time I made less was during recurrent or sim.
I could definitely see a guy already in his 3rd year working alot bringing home over 6 figures. It may take some after midnights or luckily scheduling but definitely doable. Could also be on a larger fleet.
I'm just dumbfounded anyone would support the idea that it's ok to accept low wages because they feel their peers will just upgrade in 4 years!! That's great Mesa thinking there.
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