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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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501261 said:
Can I get an AMEN!

Preach on Brother Falcon!

CatYaaak said:

Man I have been being baited this whole time and didn't realize it! You guys aren't even serious!


Good one, I've been had! :)
LegacyIIDriver said:
Man I have been being baited this whole time and didn't realize it! You guys aren't even serious!


Good one, I've been had! :)
Think so, just remember the G-550 Driver who you THOUGHT was laughing WITH you... I think the same thing applies here...

LegacyIIDriver said:
Yes, I was improperly terminated and was subsequently cleared of any wrongdoing.
So then you were rehired, right??? Oh wait, thats not how it went... Hhhmmmm... Yet another descrepancy, imagine that... And people don't get fired over a simple break-up with an FA, give me a break! Now, tell us the REAL story....

LegacyIIDriver said:
Man I have been being baited this whole time and didn't realize it! You guys aren't even serious!


Good one, I've been had!
The ONLY thing you've "been had" by is a Legacy Salesman!

Have you ever heard the old wise saying "Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Try it out sometime, it might work wonders for you!

CatYaaak said:
ask for "3rd floor or higher" at airport hotels, staying safely above the Hoser Peril as they go whizzing by below me like torpedoes.
Now THAT is funny! "Hoser Peril"!!!!

Between all the "Hoser Peril" and "WSCofD" out there, being near an airport is becoming a dangerous place to be!
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LegacyIIDriver said:
Swift has something like 37 still on order and they are the primary customer/supplier. Embraer has some others on the side as well. I imagine the backlog is around 55 airplanes right now. At the current rate of production (about 15/year) that's more than three years worth. Granted, it's not Gulfstream-size production, but it's healthy enough.

There are about 75 in the world now. That will be about 85 by year end... It's doing fine. For minimal investment Embraer has sold nearly $2B worth of airplanes. That's not bad at all.
Interesting enough that the FAA only lists 18 WSCofD as being registered in the US...
See Also:
Falcon Capt said:
Gulfstreams - 31
Falcons - 29
Challengers/GEX - 14
Hawkers - 8
Lears/Citations - too many to count
WSCoD (Legacy) - 0

So....let me get this straight....you're saying that Lears and Citations are MUCH BETTER than Gulfstreams because there were more of them there? WOOHOO! :D
FracCapt said:
So....let me get this straight....you're saying that Lears and Citations are MUCH BETTER than Gulfstreams because there were more of them there? WOOHOO! :D
Nope, not at all, saying that there were absolutely 0 WSCofD present at a VERY large gathering of high level people... LegacyIIDriver claims there is like 75 flying worldwide, yet not even one showed up in Augusta...
Falcon Capt said:
Nope, not at all, saying that there were absolutely 0 WSCofD present at a VERY large gathering of high level people... LegacyIIDriver claims there is like 75 flying worldwide, yet not even one showed up in Augusta...
Well that doesn't mean much, I mean I wasn't there this week! Granted it was the first time in the last 7 years we weren't there;) .
Falcon Capt said:
So then you were rehired, right??? Oh wait, thats not how it went... Hhhmmmm... Yet another descrepancy, imagine that... And people don't get fired over a simple break-up with an FA, give me a break! Now, tell us the REAL story....

Hell NO I wasn't rehired. I resigned, took the money, and ran for my life. I wouldn't have gone back there for all the tea in China! Are you kidding me?

One thing I have learned in this whole mess is you can get fired for anything. Whether or not the company gets away with it is the question that is answered in arbitration. It was politics, plain and simple. I won. They lost. Move on.

Meanwhile, you have yet again avoided the issue, namely your inability to accurately quote Legacy performance data...
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Falcon Capt said:
Nope, not at all, saying that there were absolutely 0 WSCofD present at a VERY large gathering of high level people... LegacyIIDriver claims there is like 75 flying worldwide, yet not even one showed up in Augusta...

Geez....you take a smartass comment I made, and give me a serious response to it....what fun are you?! :D Is this really Flightinfo.com??? Serious answers?! WTF, over?!

Let WSCODII dig his own grave.....he doesn't need any help from us!

LegacyIIDriver said:
Let me say that I am glad the civil tone has returned.

Now... 99.8% Reliability. Yeah, and we all know what Gulfstream reliability means. It means it works every time you fly it between MX stops...

You cannot seriously tell me that the Gulfstream fleet flies as many cycles/day/week/month as the Legacy fleet with a 99.8% reliability rate. There is just no way.

99.8% dispatch reliability is precisely what it suggests. Embraer does not report their dispatch reliability as the other manufacturers do - what is Legacy dispatch reliability and where can I find it?

LegacyIIDriver said:
As for the warranty issue... We've been over this before. Warranties are not so simple as duration alone. When you break a Gulfstream (which will most certainly be more often than a Legacy) it costs more to fix it so you had better have a fantastic warranty.

Sorry, but that is clearly absurd. After the Legacy hits the end of it's modest warranty, the Gulfstream will still be warranteed for an additional 15 years.

LegacyIIDriver said:
That aside, things either break when they are very new or very old. (This is why extended warranties are a scam.) Any bugs or gremlins will be found within the five year envelope and beyond that anything you replace is typical wear and tear for the most part. If you want a 20 year warranty by all means spend the extra $25M. Obviously not everyone in the world thinks this is important.

Using this logic (that the WSCoD never breaks), Embraer could sure trump Gulfstream by going ahead and warranting their product for, say, 25 years. Why don't they do that?

And you do don't have to spend an extra $25 mil. to get a Gulfstream and it's 20 year warranty. You can buy a G350 for a paltry $6 million and change more that you will surely recoup at resale.

Let me remind you how the G350 compares to the Legacy.

It costs $27.5 million (Legacy $21.15 Million) and offers the following features:

Planeview Cockpit

A 12 month Dispatch Reliability of 99.85% - Legacy ?

Range - Normal Cruise: 3,800 nm @ M 0.80 - Legacy 3220 nm@ M 0.74 / 2950 nm @ M 0.78

Range - High Speed Cruise: 3,100 nm @ M 0.85 - Legacy range at M 0.80 not published

Max. Cruise Speed: M 0.88 - Legacy M 0.80

Min. initial Alt: FL410 - Legacy FL370

Max. Alt: FL450 (Cabin Alt. 5980 ft.) - Legacy FL390 (8100 ft) / FL410 (8800 ft.)

T/O Dist MGTOW: 5,050 - Legacy 5,770

Ldg. Dist MLW: 3,260 @ 66,000 lb - Legacy 2683 @ 40785 lb

DOC: $1731 /hr - Legacy $1615 /hr

Max T/O wt.:70,900 lb - Legacy 49,604

Cabin Dimensions: 40'4"L X 6'2"H X 7'4" W - Legacy 43L (including cockpit) X 5'10" H X 6'11" W

Engine TBO: 12,000 hours - Legacy- not published

Max usefull load: 6,300 lb - Legacy 5,291 lb

Max. Load w/ full fuel: 2,858 lb - Legacy 1,605 lb

Most thinking people would agree that this comparison proves the adage, "You get what you pay for" when you buy a Gulfstream. It's clear that when you stand the two airplanes side by side, the Legacy's lackluster performance and squatty cabin proves the G350 is a real bargain and that's before you factor in the Legacy's third world fit and finish.

Why would anyone buy a Legacy when if you figure in retained value at resale, you could have a Gulfstream for the same price?

LegacyIIDriver said:
But a minor outstation MX workover is nothing compared to what you'd have to do to get a Gulfstream or Falcon to take that kind of pounding every day. They wouldn't hold up--it's beyond their design parameters, i.e. they were never expected to do high cyclic rate operations.

The Gulfstream G350/G450 and G500/G550 are in service and reporting 99.85% and 99.80% dispatch reliability respectively.

LegacyIIDriver said:
The Legacy most definitely is an option for someone who wants a big airplane but doesn't need 5000-6000NM range and enjoys low costs and high reliability. It fits the mission.

A big airplane that's 69% the size of a G350 yet costs 93.2% as much to operate. A big airplane with an unknown and unattainable dispatch reliability rating. A "big airplane" in which only Verne Troyer (Miny Me) could stand erect.

I told you how the Gulfstream is supported and how it is rated number one in customer support by it's users (and by the major trade magazines). What is the dispatch reliability of the Legacy (I want specifics) and how many and where are the Legacy domestic and international service centers?

Does Legacy have a jet on standby to fly parts to customers who are AOG? And by the way, your little apochryphal anecdote about the G550 captain who could not find a lens is absurd - if Gulfstream does not have a part in inventory, they will pull it off an in-production aircraft coming down the production line, put it on the G100 Airborne Product Support airplane and fly it to you.


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