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Jet Fuel Prices WILL Be Climbing A LOT, and Soon

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Why do you waste your time on a pilot web board? Shouldn't you be over at the PETA board? Nobody cares. If I were you, i'd spend the rest of my miserable days waiting for the oil apocalypse on a sailboat cruising the caribbean.
Naa Johjuan,

I like fur coats on the ladies and love eating meat. Redder the better. I also love driving fast cars with big engines.

I also would like to see ANWR opened up to drilling, both coasts drilled, coal turned into oil as well as the oil shale.

People like me are saying let's do these things very quickly. Let's also at the same time encourage alternatives for when the oil production begins to decline.

I am patriotic and thinking of my countries best interests. We need to reduce our dependence on them darn foreigners for our oil :)

I'd also like to keep flying my gas guzzling airplane since it's what I do for a living!

An Apollo project for alternatives to oil and oil exploration is needed. The sooner we start the easier the transition will be and we won't see an "oil apocalypse".

One day people will wish they listened to us "nutballs".

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If anyone tried to watch the CNBC program on the GAO study on Peak Oil located at the CNBC site, you realized that it kept interrupting at about minute 4 and would not finish.

Everyone Must Watch:
The CNBC Peak Oil GAO Study discussion with Matthew Simmons has been put on Youtube:

Believing that demand may outstrip supply for oil does not make anyone
"Koooooo,koooooooooo". That is just retarded.

What's funny is Matt Simmons even says in this interview: "This is not a Kook issue :) "

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If anyone watched the CNBC interview, they can no longer call me a kook:
The CNBC PeakOil GAO Study discussion with Matthew Simmons has been put on Youtube:

Has anyone watched it? Jonjuan you have a lot to learn, and you really need to watch it.

Not a kook. Not a doomsdayer, just educated on this important issue,
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Somebody help me out that has watched the CNBC interview or studied anything on this topic.

Somebody with courage, tell people I'm not a kook......... please! lol

I genuinely feel this is the most important issue facing mankind now.

Screw Global Warming. This is way more important and immediate.

This is also NOT a political issue. This issue says throw politics in the trash.....

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Jetflyer is 95% correct.

The problem is change. Humans don't like change.

Even though we've existed for millions of years without oil, and only 100 with oil, all of us alive only know living with oil.

Even thinking about living without oil give many people a headache.

Most people I know want to simplify the world. It's the old "KISS" principle.
Unfortunately, virtually EVERYTHING in the world is very, very complicated. Nothing is simple in our universe.

Quitting oil, as we will do, is very, very complicated. People can't evision life without oil.

Most of us here on flightinfo are smarter than average. Almost all of us depend on oil now for our jobs.

We can be leading the way in America and in our world with new ideas and concepts of an oil-less world. We can explain to those we meet how it can be done, and HOW IT CAN BE BETTER.

If people can see that is could be better, they are more likely to think about changing.

The change is coming. Are we going to be pro-active, as we ask our management to be, or are we going to be reactive? Helping create the change lessons the chance that you will lose your job in a forced change.

I'm looking forward to flying a high-performance aircraft powered by something other than oil.


PS-I'm also worried about the change. You aren't alone.
Call me a conspiracy theorist. I am. My tin foil cap is on tight!

This PEAK OIL GAO Study was kept out of EVERY MAJOR MEDIA NEWS outlet except the CNBC interview.

The CIA admitted in this document back in 1991 they can control the media:
CIA Memorandum Subject: Task Force Report on Greater CIA Openness - dated December 1991 (PDF) or Read Each page in JPG format
From the CIA's own words which should scare you to death:
"PAO [Public Affairs Office] now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation. This has helped us turn some intelligence failure stories into intelligence success stories, and it has contributed to the accuracy of countless others. In many instances, we have persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests or jeopardized sources and methods."
I believe peak oil and even the GAO Study is being kept from the masses on purpose for "national security interests".

We can't have people thinking oil is the motive for the war that will happen with Iran very, very soon.

One paper in Pennsylvania did report on the GAO study:
America 'Unnecessarily at Risk' from Looming Fall off in Petroleum
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I pulled out some of the highlights:
The nation has been put "unnecessarily at risk," according to the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office.
The reason: failure of federal agencies to have a "coordinated or well-defined strategy either to reduce uncertainty about the timing of a peak [in oil production] or to mitigate its consequences.".....

In the absence of alternative fuels, peak oil poses enormous consequences for our way of life, which is heavily dependent on petroleum to move people and goods.....

Former oil men George W. Bush and Dick Cheney cannot be among those in the dark on this, though they clearly have chosen not to make it an issue for reasons we may not find out until they publish their memoirs. By then, they may have a lot of explaining to do.

Everyone in the industry knows that the United States cannot drill itself to energy independence. There simply is not enough oil left in the ground.

U.S. domestic oil production peaked in 1970. Not even the subsequent pumping of oil from the large North Slope fields of Alaska was sufficient to bring U.S. production back to where it had been.

Production in most oil producers outside the Middle East also has peaked, including Norway, Great Britain, Mexico and Indonesia......

Major oil-producer Kuwait recently dramatically revised downward its remaining oil reserves.

For a variety of reasons, alternative fuels may not be sufficiently available to make up for any drop in petroleum. That's particularly true, the GAO report notes, if peak oil occurs in the next decade or so.

Alternative fuels currently provide only the equivalent of 1 percent of petroleum consumption in the U.S. and are projected to displace only 4 percent of petroleum by 2015. That's why the push for conservation and pumped up investment in alternative energy is so urgent. A transition away from oil can't be accomplished overnight...

They wanna keep the people dumb on oil production problems. If we're all stupid sheep we're more easy to herd :)

The media always emphasizes the demand is strong from India and China, etc. They never mention supply has not increased in 2 1/2 years and may now be decreasing!

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Yep, I like your avatar.

Maybe with peak oil and the associated changes people will stop breeding like rabbits. Thoughts?

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