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Jet Fuel Prices WILL Be Climbing A LOT, and Soon

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Yep, I like your avatar.

Maybe with peak oil and the associated changes people will stop breeding like rabbits. Thoughts?

With peak oil we'll have peak population for planet earth in my opinion. Population for the Earth will probably fall as people decide not to breed because of the economic difficulties or because they can't afford to feed any more rabbit mouths.

Look at food prices. According to the GAO study, alternative fuels mostly from biofuels are only 1% of the United States' fuel usage. Current projections say it will be 4% by 2015.

Food prices are skyrocketing because of the switch to food for our fuel. The United States quit this year exporting corn because of the ethanol craze. We've always been a MAJOR exporter of corn for many countries.

Also farmers are deciding to produce corn for ethanol or other bio-fuel crops instead of wheat, carrots, etc. We're gonna have to decide in the future whether to eat or drive if we continue this madness.....

Mexico is seeing such high corn tortilla prices there are riots in Mexico over this! People are going hungry already.

Also Fossil fuels are very necessary for food production. All pesticides are from natural gas and almost all fertilizers are from OIL.

Feeding the people of the world in the future will be a large challenge especially in poor countries.


p.s. look at my situation. My wife and I are expecting a little girl in late May. Our first. We always wanted two, but we're gonna stop at one mostly because of peak oil.
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Looks like that war with Iran is not far away now. President "Nutjob" of Iran is again defying the U.N. This guy is trying to provoke a fight with the west.

My question, what will a war with Iran do, in the short term, to the airline industry?
I wouldn't even want to guess. There are too many variables.

20 MBD. That's about 1/2 of the world's EXPORT oil that goes through the Straits of Hormuz right where the world is going to be fighting this battle.

Iran only exports about 2 1/2 mbd or about 6% of the world's EXPORT oil goes through the Straits. Their oil production could stop if we go to war.

Oil shocks larger than the 1970's oil shocks could happen very quickly.

Let's hope we kick Iran's ass quick even if we gotta nuke their asses and get Halliburton in there with their Radiation Suits to keep Iran's oil running.

p.s. look at my situation. My wife and I are expecting a little girl in late May. Our first. We always wanted two, but we're gonna stop at one mostly because of peak oil.

If you really believe in the P.O. theory and what could happen, you might want to try to have another kid, preferably a tough arse little male that likes guns and Mad Max movies.

Counting on one little girl to play "Xena the Warrior Princess" to save your future elderly arse from the gas raiding hordes isn't going to cut it.:uzi:

Get a boy, teach him the phrase, "I'm the Duke of New York, I'm A-Number One":laugh:
I love it. You'll be dead from stress-induced causes long before you'll be flying an acorn-squash fueled aircraft.
If anyone liked seeing Matthew Simmons on CNBC talking about the GAO report you'll absolutely love this more in depth radio interview with Matthew Simmons on Jim Puplava's "Financial Sense Newshour":

Select an Audio Format for the Matthew Simmons Radio Interview discussing the GAO Report on Peak Oil:
RealPlayer | WinAmp | Windows Media l mp3

It's a definite must listen and he is unbridled and tells you what he really thinks,
Bad news sells!

Why are we even worrying about GLOBAL WARMING if we are out of oil?

Global warming is a non-issue if we have no more hydrocarbons to burn, or maybe more realistically much fewer hydrocarbons to burn.

We use crude oil for energy because it is the cheapest energy available right now, and has been for over 100 years. When it gets expensive we will use some other less expensive fuel for energy.

David Neeleman CEO of JetBlue has already worked on the possibility of synthetic jet fuel from coal. However no one will invest the $6 BILLION per a plant to create $1 per gallon synthetic jet fuel because they will lose their investment if crude gets cheap again.

More info on

We have changed our climate a TON in a short time, too short for us to adept effectively. Even if we quit warming the globe today, we still have to pull carbon out of the environment somehow, to REDUCE global warming, so that the negative effects can be managed realistically.

We've waited a long, long time to correct the negative effects we've had on the planet. THe longer we wait, the worse the effects will be.


We have changed our climate a TON in a short time, too short for us to adept effectively. Even if we quit warming the globe today, we still have to pull carbon out of the environment somehow, to REDUCE global warming, so that the negative effects can be managed realistically.

We've waited a long, long time to correct the negative effects we've had on the planet. THe longer we wait, the worse the effects will be.


We have not changed the climate. The socialist world leaders and the scientists receiving grants want you to think that, and the media makes sure you hear gloom and doom man made global warming stories every day. They want your money!

They want your money so they can fight this natural occurring variation in the climate, which they can’t change. They want your money to use it as they please. They want this control over you.

There is no consensus.

Do some research and see what you find. Don’t take the media’s daily gloom and doom stories for face value.

The climate was 2 degrees F. warmer for over a century back in the 1200’s. The climate was much colder during the little ice age in the 1500 -1700’s which also was a time of minimum sun spot activity. Since the little ice age the earth has been warming while the sun has also increased its energy output.

When (I think we will pay for carbon soon), they start taxing carbon (CO2) it will damage commercial aviation. For every pound of jet fuel you burn, you create 3.15 pounds of carbon dioxide. You produce tons of carbon dioxide on every flight.

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