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JC Resigns Comair MEC

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Not at all. I, in fact, did not. Fact is, however, you cannot deny somebody their contractual benefit. Period.
You have integrity, but obviously a lot of guys didn't. Before you go flinging accusations against other pilot groups, it would look better if you cleaned up your own house first.
You have integrity, but obviously a lot of guys didn't. Before you go flinging accusations against other pilot groups, it would look better if you cleaned up your own house first.

Non of us have integrity if the price is right. Just so happens that mine is a lot higher than some others. BTW, here is some interesting reading from the former MEC chair for those who question what really happened in the meeting--note preferential HIRING offered. Good riddance:

TO: Comair Pilots
FROM: J.C. Lawson, Comair MEC Chairman
DATE:December 16, 2002
Your MEC met in CVG with the Delta MEC Chairman, Captain Will Buergey, at his request, to discuss preferential hiring of furloughed Delta pilots at Comair. Through this letter, I hope to dispel rumors and provide a more thorough understanding of the purpose and outcome of that meeting.

The Delta MEC, while in session at the bi-annual October Board of Directors meeting in Hollywood, Florida, formally directed the Delta MEC Chairman via resolution to meet with the Comair MEC Chairman to seek preferential hiring for furloughed Delta pilots at Comair while allowing them to retain their Delta seniority.

The general philosophy held by the Comair MEC is:

We are sensitive to the regrettable plight of all furloughed pilots in our industry.
We encourage our management to hire pilots who seek a future at Comair.
We have formally approached Comair management and our management has agreed to preferential hiring of furloughed ALPA pilots.
We agree with our company's policy that requires prospective Comair pilots to resign their seniority at their previous carrier.
We believe our Company's industry-standard policy requiring seniority resignation is sound and wise. It promotes the general health and welfare of all Comair employees and serves to protect the future of our company.
At our meeting in CVG, Captain Buergey offered preferential hiring to Comair pilots if the Comair MEC would recommend to Comair management that they hire furloughed Delta pilots and allow them to retain their Delta seniority.

Your MEC responded that hiring any pilots at Comair who do not resign their seniority at their previous carrier gives rise to numerous substantive concerns. The Delta MEC's offer of (future) preferential hiring at Delta is not sufficiently substantive to overcome those concerns and solicit Comair pilots' support. We suggested three alternative concepts, any one or all of which might lead to a mutually beneficial solution:

Relax the Delta PWA, Section 1, seat restrictions imposed upon Comair and ASA that limit our growth in 70-seat and larger airframes.
Negotiate Delta Brand Scope language with Delta management that defines all Delta flying within the Delta revenue stream to be performed solely by Delta, Comair, and ASA pilots.
Negotiate a plan for future integration of our Delta, Comair, and ASA pilots seniority lists that fairly recognizes the efforts and contributions of all.

The Comair MEC stands ready to work with the collective MEC's to bring about change that makes sense in a challenging economic environment and works for all pilots who perform flying under the Delta brand. As we stated in the Tuesday, December 3rd meeting, our door is still open.

859-282-9016 FAX 859-283-5533
A shame. I always disagreed with the way he handled the DAL furlough situation, but he was a great rep overall, and he worked harder at representing regional members than just about anyone else. I hope the CMR members thank him for his long service.

How can you sat he is a good rep? During the strike he would threathen that if the contract was not signed the MEC would quit and the pilot group would be out of work. During BK a concessionary contract was TA'd in a couple of weeks and we went every where saying we need this signed now, it is the last best offer. Well when the FLT ATT's did his job and stood up to the company I only took a 6.50 paycut instead of a 13.00 paycut. plus the pay was spilt on the planes, we got better wording. We both agree he screwed over the Delta pilots for his own greed.

Only reason he resigned was becuase they were pushing him to. I was in DEN with one of the MEC and he was asking 3 of us what we thought about JC, we all replied time to hang it up, his response, "well you better be at the next MEC meeting". The new reps got voted in becuase this is what they said they were gonna make happen, they almost did. Unfortunately JC did what every other failed leader does, he resigned instead of fighting for his job, because this is when all your dirty laundry comes out, and there would have been no way for him to defend himself, the REP'S were gonna hang him out to dry,
I agree that those concessions were a mistake, but remember, they never actually happened. They were linked to the FA concessions that didn't come to fruition, so the pilot concessions never came to be. The MEC did a much better job in handling the next round of concessionary negotiations.

Yes they did we took a pay freeze which hurt many. Unfortunately all the older guys believe what ever JC and Comair says, and most think they should be flying the 737 at comair for Delta. In the end the pay freeze hurt the senior guys the most and I don't feel bad, they will vote for anything JC says to.
Unfortunately, J.C. and the Comair MEC made a serious political blunder by not embracing the hiring of furloughed Delta Pilots. To throw gas on the fire, J.C. attempted to LEVERAGE their hiring by getting relief in Scope! What a TOOL!

J.C. is no Trade Unionist, but self-serving with an inflated ego! The right thing to do would have been to embrace their hiring with NO, Quid Pro Quo, as the ASA MEC did. It was the right thing to do! For the Comair MEC and the Comair Pilots, it would have been largely an act of GOOD WILL that would have paid dividends down the road! Instead, J.C. attempted to leverage Gain from Woe! What an insult! It was like throwing Nitro (not even regular unleaded) on a fire!

It was even totally appalling to other DCI pilots! ASA probably had a total of 10 Delta pilots even pursue the option, but those that did were very appreciative!

ATTENTION: The New Comair MEC Chairman and MEC

The first order of business should be to pass a resolution to correct this POLITICAL BLUNDER!

It should recognize the error, and also reverse MEC Policy to embrace the hiring of any future furloughed Delta Pilots! It is the right thing to do, and may be the start of repairing the relationship with the Delta MEC and Delta Pilots!

New Comair Leadership and Mr. MEC Chairman, "Tear down that Wall!!!!" Call a Special Meeting, if you have to, SHOW some LEADERSHIP, and pass that resolution! Your membership is counting on you and should hold you accountable if you don't!

With all due respect,

One concerned ASA Pilot
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This thread is so GAY! I though high school had ended for me years ago. Delta pilots hate us...we hate Delta pilots...MANAGEMENT WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The longer I stay in this career, the more I realize how stupid pilots really are.
This thread is so GAY! I though high school had ended for me years ago. Delta pilots hate us...we hate Delta pilots...MANAGEMENT WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The longer I stay in this career, the more I realize how stupid pilots really are.

This thread is gay, yet here you are as an active participant. Perhaps you can share the reasons for your hatred of Delta pilots. I have outlined some of the reasons for the angst Delta pilots have against the Comair pilots. Personally, I have moved on from it, and would like to see some more Comair pilots join our ranks if they wish. However, there are many over there who tried to circumvent my scope clause, and gain flying on my back. One of them included the topic of this thread. Several others included a group that sued to gain access. Many others are guilty by association, and for leaving this person in power for so long. For those reasons, some Delta pilots just can't seem to over it. I can't blame them either.
The first order of business should be to pass a resolution to correct this POLITICAL BLUNDER!

It should recognize the error, and also reverse MEC Policy to embrace the hiring of any future furloughed Delta Pilots! It is the right thing to do, and may be the start of repairing the relationship with the Delta MEC and Delta Pilots!

It's already been done in 2003 or 2004. Someone even posted it on here. I can't find it, but someone who saves everything might be able to.
ATTENTION: The New Comair MEC Chairman and MEC

The first order of business should be to pass a resolution to correct this POLITICAL BLUNDER!

It should recognize the error, and also reverse MEC Policy to embrace the hiring of any future furloughed Delta Pilots! It is the right thing to do, and may be the start of repairing the relationship with the Delta MEC and Delta Pilots!

I want so much to believe that last part, but, alas, I don't think I do.

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