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JC Resigns Comair MEC

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Sure, he looked out for his constituents, and sent them all into a tailspin. He was short sighted, and caused disdain for an entire group thanks to his greed during a time of need. He probably could have achieved more had he showed some compassion, just as we did during their unsuccessful strike that gained little and has resulted in the current shrinking of their own airline. His "need for greed" in getting the highest pay for regionals netted us a $1 billion loss at mainline, a mainline management wanting payback eventually (now), and very little SCOPE that has now come back to haunt them. He did a great job ruining Comair. Bye Bye JC Lawson. Why again could you not help our furloughed pilots? It cost too much? Didn't Delta own you at the same time? It cost too much. You idiot. Delta owned ASA at the time too, and they were helping out.

Bye Bye--General Lee

For you, a Delta mainline pilot to be calling anyone else in this industry out on their "greed" is surely the best example I can think of calling out your friends faults and not seeing your own.

Somewhere between holding on to that last contract to the point that DAL crashed and burned, to the massive exodus of pilots taking their million and bankrupting the company leaving the rest of you to rot, I would say for you to even mention greed is the height of hypocrisy.

Of course as a TWA/AA furloughee I know how it works, everyone else wanting something is wrong but my own personal greed is right. I learned that from the APA, a collection of similair master aviatiors like yourselves who believe that your employment by your air carrier is evidence that you are somehow better and more deserving than the rest of the industry.

C'mon man, wake up and smell the coffee. You guys are barely staying afloat and maybe a little humility is a good place to start getting some perspective.
I remember this guy lawson and im sure he remembers me.

we had a meeting to discuss the whole geauxjets thing. He was flapping his gums about how it was a good deal and to get the deal done and if we didnt we were going to put all tsa's pilot's on the street BLAH BALH BLAH. and if it were him he would... blah blah and more blah.

I somehwat politely said," Comair is in bankruptcy, and TSA just made about 34 million profit in a year, why the (Hell) would we accept such a substandard deal. they have the money and if they dont give us what we want, then we dont want it.

It was the best deer in headlights look ever.

he was a tool and only interested in ALPA for his own personal gain-- he may try to get into a VP position or soemthing.

he knows that if he does, along with about 90% of those guys that it's the easiest 150K per year they'll ever make. many of these guys get into the positin for all the wrong reasons.
I don't hate them or anything but they are, without a doubt, the biggest tools in the business.

Well, perhaps you are right, but quite a few on this thread disagree with you. I reckon that's also why there are so many threads regarding the status of hiring at Delta, copared to so few on the status of hiring at Comair.

I am pretty sure my f/o s have a pretty good trip when they fly with me. Suffice to say that they don't go hungry or thirsty. What alse can be said? I trust that you will provide your names to me so that we may ensure that you are never in the box with the other "tools" as you call us. What do you say, tough guys. Care to put your hummingbird posterior up there with your alligator mouth, or are you just talking tough on an internet bitchboard?

RJ pilots, big talkers, but sheeps in wolves clothing. You made your beds, now you must lie in them. Some of us even tried to warn you it was coming. If that makes us tools, so be it.

Where are all of those RJDC supporter rah, rah posts these days, anyway? Seems to have gotten awfully quiet.

He, he, he. The circle of life <cue Elton John>
He pissed off the ASA MEC when Comair took concessions. ASA was working on a new contract and the Comair and ASA MEC's were pretty tight. Then Comair agreed to concessions and ASA felt betrayed.

The concessions he is talking about were not in BK, they were when CMR promised them those shiny new E-jets.
I remember this guy lawson and im sure he remembers me.

we had a meeting to discuss the whole geauxjets thing. He was flapping his gums about how it was a good deal and to get the deal done and if we didnt we were going to put all tsa's pilot's on the street BLAH BALH BLAH. and if it were him he would... blah blah and more blah.

I somehwat politely said," Comair is in bankruptcy, and TSA just made about 34 million profit in a year, why the (Hell) would we accept such a substandard deal. they have the money and if they dont give us what we want, then we dont want it.

It was the best deer in headlights look ever.

he was a tool and only interested in ALPA for his own personal gain-- he may try to get into a VP position or soemthing.

he knows that if he does, along with about 90% of those guys that it's the easiest 150K per year they'll ever make. many of these guys get into the positin for all the wrong reasons.

...... but then again, maybe he was right..... The G0jet$ thing isn't exactly working well for TSA..... you could have had a single list with all of the pilots represented by ALPA...Instead you have an alter-ego carrier in your yard.... I believe he was right in this case....
The concessions he is talking about were not in BK, they were when CMR promised them those shiny new E-jets.

Hey your not supposed to be reading this stressful stuff.... don't you have a nurse to chase.....:beer:

.... Welcome back.....
...... but then again, maybe he was right..... The G0jet$ thing isn't exactly working well for TSA..... you could have had a single list with all of the pilots represented by ALPA...Instead you have an alter-ego carrier in your yard.... I believe he was right in this case....
Holy crap, I'm actually gonna have to agree with Joey. In this case, JC was 100% correct, and this is exactly what ALPA's representation department said also. Dario is possibly the worst MEC Chairmen I've ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with, and his massive ego and hot head caused him to make some pretty big mistakes.
...... but then again, maybe he was right..... The G0jet$ thing isn't exactly working well for TSA..... you could have had a single list with all of the pilots represented by ALPA...Instead you have an alter-ego carrier in your yard.... I believe he was right in this case....

not workling out well? so we didnt get 70 seaters big freaking deal. Our tsa brother and sisters and leaving left and right, and the senior people could give a damn about 70 seaters. they are making 90-100 grand flying a 50 seater and they are just fine with that. geauxjets goes to about 10 places and their pilots aren't all that great or happy?

Plus we would have only gotten credit for a maximum of 5 years at TSA? Even you could mathematically deduce that i would be flying a bigger airplane for less money than i was making on a 50 seater? not to mention i would lose a quick week of vacation? So to sum it up, lose vacation, lose pay lose work protection and rules to fly 70 seaters? not in this lifetime.

I voted no, i do it again, and even if it put all of tsa's pilots out of work, i'd still do it again. Becuase you know what? TSA isnt going out of business becuase hulas needs TSA to make moeny to keep both airlines up and running. our local mec was in place for 5 years , we knew every move ( except all the wrongful terminations for a total of 7) tsa would make before they did--- it was a chess match and they were playing checkers---

the vote failed , MISERABLY, we stood our ground and we didnt need lawson and his croanies telling us it was a good deal. and im sure they got flack from duan the train when they reported TSA didnt bite on it.

as we say in the south. "*************************em and feed grits"

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