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JC Resigns Comair MEC

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That was painful to read.

For future reference, questions end in a question mark, statements end in a period, and sentences begin with a capital letter.
General, I understand your attack since JC really did screw over the DAL furloughees. I disagreed vehemently with his actions on that. However, you're speaking of someone that you've probably never met. Do you know JC Lawson? Have you talked to him? Do you know what work he's done over the years? I worked alongside JC on many occasions, and I found him to be an excellent advocate for the membership. He screwed up, but so does everyone else, and I don't condemn him because of one failing.

Adolf Hitler was a strong advocate for his people. He worked hard to achieve the best for them. Do you condemn him simply for his dislike of the Jews?

Dang, comparing JC to one of the worst mass murderers of the 20th century? :eek:
Hey your not supposed to be reading this stressful stuff.... don't you have a nurse to chase.....:beer:

.... Welcome back.....

Thanks...for the next 6 months at least it's not stressful...just entertaining...:)
Dang, comparing JC to one of the worst mass murderers of the 20th century? :eek:

Dang....... now I have to agree with PCL_128..... comparing JC to Hitler is absurd..... and in bad taste.....
I wouldn't do any such thing. I thought it was obvious that my comparison was Delta pilots and Jews.....oh well.

BS.....PCL_128 and I don't agree on much, but it was clear that you were comparing JC to Hitler......
So, after losing the case the first time, we should just go ahead and stop flying overtime again, and risk losing another verdict?

Sweptback is correct. There is no "status quo" to violate outside of Section 6. You should try peddling your compost at the garden center.

Delta pilots were picking up open time as fast as they could at the same time they were slaming Comair pilots for a company hiring policy.
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Sweptback is correct. There is no "status quo" outside of Section 6.
You obviously don't have a clue what you're talking about. These types of cases have already been litigated, and ALPA lost in the anti-labor courts. For the DAL pilots to, en mass, stop picking up open time would be an illegal job action akin to striking without a release. The General is correct about that.
Delta pilots were picking up open time as fast as they could at the same time they were slaming Comair pilots for a company hiring policy.
You can try to deflect the issue all you want, but nobody's buying it. It was a despicable thing for the CMR MEC to do, and everyone knows it.

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