I actually think this discussion is healthy for your pilot group. Any scumbag actions from your union leadership should not be hidden from your pilot group, but instead brought into the public for your pilots to know about. If you agree or disagree with those actions is not the issue, the issue is that these things happened and that you have the right to know about them. This incident demonstrates that any future shady actions will be under a spotlight, and hopefully that knowledge will prevent more unethical incidents by your leadership.
It's good for our group to know about the money grab too. It gives me confidence that the NJASAP and the NJ IBT1108 leadership was watching our backs during this transition, and gives me even more trust in this group to lead us in the future.
This event is also important for any joint ventures between the IBT1108 and the NJASAP, one of the "selling" points that was mentioned to the NJ pilot group before the NJASAP/IBT1108 vote. The Nj pilot group was told that we could still assist the Flops pilots during their contract struggle and enforcement afterwards. Now that these actions have come into the light, it makes it clear to our pilot group that they have to be very careful when considering any joint ventures, at least with the current 1108 leadership in place.
Moral support and technical help should still be given to your organization if asked for. While you guys will sink or swim on your own, it never hurts to ask the lifeguard for a swimming lesson first.
Good luck with your contract guys. The NJASAP pilots wish you the best in your negotiations for a livable wage and a fair contract. The anger is directed at the National IBT and those who were deceived/colaborated with them, not the rank and file pilots of Flight Options.
It's good for our group to know about the money grab too. It gives me confidence that the NJASAP and the NJ IBT1108 leadership was watching our backs during this transition, and gives me even more trust in this group to lead us in the future.
This event is also important for any joint ventures between the IBT1108 and the NJASAP, one of the "selling" points that was mentioned to the NJ pilot group before the NJASAP/IBT1108 vote. The Nj pilot group was told that we could still assist the Flops pilots during their contract struggle and enforcement afterwards. Now that these actions have come into the light, it makes it clear to our pilot group that they have to be very careful when considering any joint ventures, at least with the current 1108 leadership in place.
Moral support and technical help should still be given to your organization if asked for. While you guys will sink or swim on your own, it never hurts to ask the lifeguard for a swimming lesson first.
Good luck with your contract guys. The NJASAP pilots wish you the best in your negotiations for a livable wage and a fair contract. The anger is directed at the National IBT and those who were deceived/colaborated with them, not the rank and file pilots of Flight Options.