NJA can't possibly hire away enough of the competition to really cause much harm unless they chose one competitor and hired away only from that same company all year. NJA is growing, but 350 to 450 slots a year isn't going to do the others in. NJA hires from all over the board so it isn't going to crush the competition that way. IBB will improve the retention rate at NJA and make it harder for the others to hire the best applicants, but there will always be enough pilots willing to go to work at the others for whatever they pay.
In my opinion the management at the other's don't have much incentive to raise the pay until their own pilot groups force the action either by enough walking away (which would have to be mostly to the majors and LCCs) or by unionizing and then taking the hard stance. The current political climate makes it almost impossible to strike, but a unified pilot group can definitely put the hurt on enough to force improvements as 1108 proved in 2005. Not all companies are in the same financial position as NJA was in regards to really being able to pay what they are so the hard line may kill a weaker company if they demand what they deserve (we all deserve better than we are getting and the current IBB still doesn't come close to the kind of money I was expecting as a pilot back when I got into this profession). But I also believe almost every company out there can afford to bump it up a bit.
In my opinion the management at the other's don't have much incentive to raise the pay until their own pilot groups force the action either by enough walking away (which would have to be mostly to the majors and LCCs) or by unionizing and then taking the hard stance. The current political climate makes it almost impossible to strike, but a unified pilot group can definitely put the hurt on enough to force improvements as 1108 proved in 2005. Not all companies are in the same financial position as NJA was in regards to really being able to pay what they are so the hard line may kill a weaker company if they demand what they deserve (we all deserve better than we are getting and the current IBB still doesn't come close to the kind of money I was expecting as a pilot back when I got into this profession). But I also believe almost every company out there can afford to bump it up a bit.