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High Tension Van Rides

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a van ride is a great time to talk about alpa and the skywest pilots views. You can get them more informed (missed english class)...who ever knows they may grow a pair and vote alpa onboard.
Just b/c no words are exchanged doesnt mean jack. Its probably b/c i probably could careless what your trip was like, what day your on, where you're based and all those other BS questions that goes in one ear and out the other. To Tired for pleasantrys.

Amen to that!
It amazes me why we are having "tense van rides" when management decides who flies the airplanes and the union lets it go on.

Are we all in this together...? NO please do not kid yourself. Everyone is in it for personal gain. So being pissed off in a van at another pilot is halarious because they person has done nothing wrong except accept a job.

Was it really tense, or is it possible everybody was tired and really had nothing to say? I feel no obligation to talk to anyone, though I feel socially comfortable striking up a conversation about nothing--sometimes I'm just thinking about other things. And while the OMA crew was not me, don't take it so personally...
Yea, Back in the Day during the United/US Airways Merger talks. US Airways took 12 PDT airplanes (Dash 8's) to Start DC Air. The pilots at Potomic were non-union, they took our planes to fly them on our routes for less money!

However... we musta had bigger balls, because we told them how we felt in the Van!!!

Apparently, the length of the diameter of your balls is higher than the height of professionalism required [on that van ride]!
ORD-OMA standup was on avg 3-4 hours at hotel this month, every morning shared a van with ASA, people don't always have to talk in a van, especially when they just slept in their uniform.
nothing personal
I've been on the OMA bus and didn't say anything to a Southwest crew....

...granted it was because one of their F/As was bragging the whole way to the hotel about how good her blowjobs are. :pimp: :nuts: :beer:
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Could be that some in the van didn't feel like talking shop at the end of a 14 hour day which is subsequently leading into reduced "rest".

Could be that some didn't want to innocently trigger the same, tired conversation at how Skeds is screwing over some others in the van--the same others that don't have the 'nads to stand up to the schedulers who are doin' the screwin'.

Could be lots o' things. Why is it an issue?

Yeah, I know we weren't in the van--and most of us know tension when we feel it. But if one is uneasy on a tense van ride, and the tension doesn't escalate, just let it roll off your shoulder and into your $6.50 Corona bar beer.

In the immortal words of Sidney Dean:

Ain't no thing but a chicken wing on a string...

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