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Hey Guys! I have an idea of how to expose management, and have somone fight for us

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Sorry, double post.
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Reality check, this is still a great job, where else can a high school graduate make close to $100K per year by the time he is in his mid-30's. With a little luck getting hired at AirTran Jet Blue, it is an even greater job making in the $125-$150 range.
Lets see, the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB are places that come to mind for me. I wonder how many of them are on a website complaining that they make too much money and should just play their sport because they like to.

He fights for people who can't help themselves, and who have been taken advantage of. I think that pretty much somes up pilots these days.
Ace757 said:
He fights for people who can't help themselves, and who have been taken advantage of. I think that pretty much somes up pilots these days.

I like your idea.
I like the idea Ace but you forget one thing....the flying public doesn't give a rats ass about pilot pay. Even if you get O'reilly on our side it won't matter. The average passenger wants cheap fares and thats it. Until these 300 hour riddle wonders start making smoking holes in the ground it won't matter to the flying public who is in the cockpit or how much they make.
You just have to see this man work! I have watched him for a long time, and he has turned very small things into big things. Take the whole saying Merry Christmas thing. He has single handedly scared all of corp. America to start saying it. He has conducted polls, and has urged people not to shop at places that say Happy Holidays. He has the # 1 news show in the country 100's of millions watch him every night world wide. He not only thinks, but he knows he has the power to shake things up in America. YOUR TELLING ME THAT IF SOMEONE BROUGHT THE MESABA STORY TO HIM ABOUT FO'S MAKING $18,000 A YEAR HAVING TO TAKE A 17% PAY CUT, AND THE ONE'S THAT THEY FURLOUGH HAVING TO PAY A $24,000 TRAINING CONTRACT, AND HE WOULDNT HELP THEM......YOUR NUTS! This is how his program thrives. Just tell him about how much money these 18k FO's spent to get to that point, and what kinda salaries, and bonuses executives make. He will try to bring the CEO on the program, and if he declines......Oreilly will call him on it, and humiliate him on live TV. You know this would happen. The Mesaba story is defiantly a good start. and if you want to get into outsourcing.....that would be good too. Or hey......I got another one.......Talk about that ex Delta CFO who is going to court to keep her first class travel benefits. Im telling you guys......this could work. AND BEFORE YOU TELL ME ONE MORE TIME THAT OREILLY DOESN'T CARE, THE PUBLIC DOESN'T CARE, FOX IS CONSERVATIVE...YADA YADA YADA......GIVE IT A TRY! WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE AT THIS POINT.
You'll keep us posted, I'm sure.

Since you've already sent off your email (I'm sure) please promise to let us know what kind of response you get.

Good luck, we're all counting on you.
I will definatly send him an e-mail if thats what it takes. BUT, I think it would be more meaningful from some of you that have actually lost something. I HAVEN'T, so I looses some credibility when the only thing I can say that i might loose is my Delta S2's. Please guys...those of you with Mesaba, Comair, Delta, United, USAIR, and espicially NORTHWEST. YES ESPICIALLY NORTHWEST, please send him an e-mail. He will contact you, possibly as you on the show, you can tell your sob story, he will belittle the management ....END OF STORY
pilotyip said:
Reality check, this is still a great job, where else can a high school graduate make close to $100K per year by the time he is in his mid-30's. With a little luck getting hired at AirTran Jet Blue, it is an even greater job making in the $125-$150 range.

Don't hold your standards so low. Electricians, plumbers and general contractors to name a few easily can make that much. A family member of mine makes much more than that collecting tickets on a train. A $100k sounds like allot but today it is not. If you live in NYC you might be considered lower middle class at $100k. Used to be pilots for majors were upper middle or rich. If you are happy with less and less then get ready for less and less. I know times have changed with 9/11 and LCCs but if you lower your expectations for pay then management will certainly meet your expectations. Then my company will expect me to accept your expectations. Also used to be a Captain making $125/hr top pay in todays dollars meant he had a couple violations and a DUI or two when he got hired.

Reality Check-wait until you make that $100g and think wow that's a 100% more than I made at $50g and I only take home 30% more. Those upper tax brackets will really make you hate the politicians when they say any one over 50gs is rich.

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