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Hey Guys! I have an idea of how to expose management, and have somone fight for us

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Again back to reality, only on a pilot board would someone say that $100k/yr is lowered standards. Yes Electricans, etc make that much money in big cities, good for them, if you want to make that much as a plumber, become a plumber. My brother-in-law, a high school grad, runs a muffler shop, makes over $200K/yr. But none of these guys fly airplanes and that is why you come into this profession.
No correlation between aviation and pro sports.

Falconjet said:
Lets see, the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB are places that come to mind for me. I wonder how many of them are on a website complaining that they make too much money and should just play their sport because they like to.

I'm pretty sure PILOTYIP was talking about "regular people". How many people in the U.S. can consistently throw a baseball @ 90 knots across a little piece of rubber? Maybe 11 or 12 total. ANYBODY CAN FLY AN AIRPLANE, which results in an over-supply of airplane drivers. Combine that with the fact that most pilots who love flying will take a $50k flying job over a $100k job sitting at a desk. And then there's SJS.

Pilots will continue to B!itch, (thats what we do), but we will have to accept the fact that things have changed in this industry. But PILOTYIP's still has a valid point. Aviation can still be a career where you can make a solid middle to upper middle class income, and at the same time, enjoy what you do.
pilotyip said:
Again back to reality, only on a pilot board would someone say that $100k/yr is lowered standards. Yes Electricans, etc make that much money in big cities, good for them, if you want to make that much as a plumber, become a plumber. My brother-in-law, a high school grad, runs a muffler shop, makes over $200K/yr. But none of these guys fly airplanes and that is why you come into this profession.

pilotyip: Right now im mainly aiming towards the regional guys. This is where it all starts. So your saying its ok for a professional pilot making 18K to take a 17% pay cut? Man....you must be insane. But anyway, If that pilot takes a pay cut than the major guys will have to take one too to compete. Any YES.....100k/yr is a hidious wage for a major pilot flying a 777. u can't defend it yip. it takes somone 30 years of hard work to get to the 777 for like a year before they retire. MOST DO NOT MAKE IT,
The American public doesn't give a rat's fart about airline pilots or airline workers, OR UNIONS. They hate the airlines and the news media stirs that up for ratings. Most workers in the country are NOT union and have the stereotyped image of a lazy overpaid bum. Look at NW. They totally defeated the mechanics union and replaced them with Scabs. Any outcry from NW passengers? Heck no. They DON"T CARE, as long as the airplane doesn't crash. Heck, the pilots don't even care. They've got their own problems facing the NW buzzsaw.

Bill O'Reilly care about airlines unions? He cares about RATINGS and selling his children's indoctrination books. You watch. GM and Ford are going to screw tens of thousands of unionized workers, and the American public will say "screw the unions" and merrily drive off to Walmart in their Hondas.

If airline unions are going to get the attention of managements, they're going to have to SHUT AN AIRLINE DOWN, PERMANENTLY.
Draginass said:
The American public doesn't give a rat's fart about airline pilots or airline workers, OR UNIONS. They hate the airlines and the news media stirs that up for ratings. Most workers in the country are NOT union and have the stereotyped image of a lazy overpaid bum. Look at NW. They totally defeated the mechanics union and replaced them with Scabs. Any outcry from NW passengers? Heck no. They DON"T CARE, as long as the airplane doesn't crash. Heck, the pilots don't even care. They've got their own problems facing the NW buzzsaw.

Bill O'Reilly care about airlines unions? He cares about RATINGS and selling his children's indoctrination books. You watch. GM and Ford are going to screw tens of thousands of unionized workers, and the American public will say "screw the unions" and merrily drive off to Walmart in their Hondas.

If airline unions are going to get the attention of managements, they're going to have to SHUT AN AIRLINE DOWN, PERMANENTLY.

All I hear from you guys is he won't, he does not care, why waste your time, and so forth. WELL HAS ANYONE TRIED? EVER HERE OF NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED? IF YOU ASK YOU SHALL RECIEVE? guess not hugh. Well lets just keep whinnig and feeling sorry for ourselves again.

Ok......is it just me or are the NWA pilots the biggest bunch of panzys in the industry. They are like the whipping boy from back in the day. Yes'm Sir, can I have another?? They have absolutly NO BALLS. You will take whatever NWA management gives you. WAKE UP AND SEE THEY WANT YOU GONE. ALL OF YOU!!! first they start with the DC-9 outsourcing, than hey....as long as they are getting people to fly these for $40 an hr, how about 757's. I bet we could get somone to fly them for $42.50. And how about those 747's. I bet there are some riddle grads that would PAY to fly that.

By NWA pilots giving in, they are ending there own careers. BYE BYE GUYS! HELLO NEWCO!! If you are so lucky to work there you will be flying as FO for some 23 year old.

Hey NWA guys.....im not trying to bash you.....its nothing personal. But I am being harsh with you because you deserve it. You need help. SELF HELP.
DUDE, GIVE IT A REST! and quit typing in all caps and use a spell checker. I think you'd be better off starting a Bill O'Reilly fan club. Sheesh. I THINK WE SHOULD CALL AL SHARPTON AND GET HIM TO BRING OUR PLIGHT TO THE PUBLIC!
If you don't like it, don't read it! You have an option of what threads to view. I think im doing you all a favor here. This whole board is filled with a bunch of cry babies without any balls.

Either put up, or shut up!

None of this oh woe as me bull
'nuff said...at least about the spell checker part.
Whoa as me!

Either put up, or shut up!

Go for the latter.
While I will agree that hammering oreilly with thousands of emails MIGHT get his attention, I am still doubtful those of us on this board could do anything to pique his interests regarding the corportate terrorism that plagues our industry.

I email bill all the time about regarding stories of ill children who need to raise money for expensive surgery. I do this hoping to help these kids get some attention to their story to help them out, and I never tell this kids I am doing this. Not even a form reply from bill or his staff! I like Bill, but he is selfish like the rest of the media. He takes a few moments to "fight for the common man" every night but 3/4 of his show is a rehashing of the same old news stories that every other journalist with a show has already beat to death, i.e. Natalie Hollaway, Micahel Jackson the Pedophile, Scott Peterson and his new bride, the Iraq war, htat hot chick that boned her students, blah, blah.... same ol' shiznit every night. Then Hannity does it, then gretta does it. And during the day Shep does it, John Snow, Neil Cohen does it, etc. I think you get the point. Oh, and switch the channel to see something different and guess what? The other media outlets do the same thing WITH THE SAME STORIES: MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, etc. The media doesn't really care about the plight of the common man, and oreilly aint' any different. I use to think he was, but after hundreds of emails I can tell you he's not.

Now, that said, I also sent him transcripts of the DL BK ocurt proceedings and news reports about NW insiders selling their stock 3 weeks before filing CH 11. Not to mention all the other corruption played out by NW mgmt. I was hoping to get him involved in our fight. Again, not even a form reply from him. Hell, at least the White House sends me a form reply. Oreilly? Can't be bothered.

Good Luck. Great Idea on paper though.

Oh, btw: Bill just wants you to join his website. Perhaps if you do that maybe he will reply. Again, I like Bill Oreilly, but he's just as selfish as every politician and lawyer out there.

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