Would you like to compare Scab lists?
How about your former employer at Gulfstream?
He was one of the most hated Pilots at Eastern BEFORE he Scabbed.
You aren't very intelligent are you? Based on your handling of the AirTran side of the negotiations and you making your bed with Gulfstream first and then Joe Leonard second, followed by the BS you post on these forums when you have to know that we know who you are, I would say not.
Your name is the one that comes up most often out on the line when discussing guys we can't wait to fly with.
Face it. You ended up at Valujet/AirTran because that's the best you could do. No amount of BS or delusional thinking on your part will ever change that. I have flown with 8 or 9 FAT guys so far. Awesome guys all. But your name and Lears name come up and it ain't pretty. They bring it up first. I don't. You were not well liked over there and you certainly won't be over here. Do yourself and all of us a favor and go sell Double-Wides. It would suit you.
How about your former employer at Gulfstream?
He was one of the most hated Pilots at Eastern BEFORE he Scabbed.
You aren't very intelligent are you? Based on your handling of the AirTran side of the negotiations and you making your bed with Gulfstream first and then Joe Leonard second, followed by the BS you post on these forums when you have to know that we know who you are, I would say not.
Your name is the one that comes up most often out on the line when discussing guys we can't wait to fly with.
Face it. You ended up at Valujet/AirTran because that's the best you could do. No amount of BS or delusional thinking on your part will ever change that. I have flown with 8 or 9 FAT guys so far. Awesome guys all. But your name and Lears name come up and it ain't pretty. They bring it up first. I don't. You were not well liked over there and you certainly won't be over here. Do yourself and all of us a favor and go sell Double-Wides. It would suit you.
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