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Gulfstream getting CoEx Routes?

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What misinformation?

Atta and friends would have gone there but it would have taken too long to get thru the program with all the waiting once they get your money. They had a schedule to keep.

And, anyone who worked there knows that the captains paid for their jobs and most only had the bare minimum ATP quals.

This thread and this company will last until they open a ski resort in Hades.
Hey Turbo Squirrel

TurboS7 said:
Tom Cooper was a management pilot before the strike at EAL. In fact he has the certificate that Gulfstream was started with before the strike. He also started and sold serveral other airlines while he was at EAL. Lorenzo had nothing to do with PFT that has been around for a long time. Get your facts straight before you start blowing PEOPLE out of the water.

Whose management? TLC was a member of ALPA when he was running Air Florida Commuter. EAL considered that a conflict of interest and tried to fire him but ALPA interveened and the assets were shifted to his wife.

When the pilots followed the mechanics at EAL, TLC was the first to cross. He had Field Shops on 36th Street engrave the words: "#1-Scab" on his flight bag.
It was only then that he got chummy with Frank.

You're right on one thing though; Lorenzo didn't start PFT. He would stoop that low.

And, no one has taken to the depths that TLC has.
TurboS7 said:
Tom Cooper was a management pilot before the strike at EAL. In fact he has the certificate that Gulfstream was started with before the strike. He also started and sold serveral other airlines while he was at EAL. Lorenzo had nothing to do with PFT that has been around for a long time. Get your facts straight before you start blowing PEOPLE out of the water.

WHATEVER, hes a f\/cking scab!
At least you guys didn't go as low as everyone did on the Clay Lacy thread. I was ready for you. By the way I don't believe in PFT, I think it hurts the industry and pilot's loose a lot of valuable experience along the way. As for Cooper most that paid PFT originally were EU guys trying to buy time. Since they hate us U.S. guys over there I have a real problem with them coming over here and stealing jobs that belong to U.S. guys. It is happening and everyone just sits idly by.
TurboS7 said:
. As for Cooper most that paid PFT originally were EU guys trying to buy time. Since they hate us U.S. guys over there I have a real problem with them coming over here and stealing jobs that belong to U.S. guys.

You're pretty much correct. I can't remember an American being welcomed to fly in Europe except to fight one of their wars.

The F/Os were Europeans in large part. Lots of Dutch and Norwegians! They pay and fly, pay and fly. For years, no F/Os saw a paycheck (Americans too). When they started paying them segment hours, they just raised the tuition.

There were a number of captains flying without documentation too. Such as a very notable Norwegian union hater who they kept stateside to avoid run-ins with customs and INS. Then there was the american captain who got arrested on the ramp. Apparently, he violated his probation by leaving the state. Beyond checking to see if your cheque clears, there's no background check.
N9103M said:
Well Lord Wakefield, you sure did your research on ol' Tom.

I know more than you think!

As far as your comment on "Atta and friends", don't start trying trash Gulfstream because they take pilots on student visas. (Which by the way they can't do anymore) Last I checked the likes of Flight Safety, Comair, and others all take foriegn students.[/B]

But, they don't put them in the cockpits of U.S. Airliners

As for the capatins, Gulfstream hired street captains for awhile, then began upgrading from within.[/B]

That is the traditional way of doing things at 3M. In the words of their 6'6" director of training, "co-pilots make bad captains."
They would always take someone from outside versus upgrading. A new hire captain means a quick $15K. An upgrade means training for two positions.

No captain at GIA pays for his upgrade or ATP. [/B]

I'm sure you could find a few foreign captains and at least one husband/wife team that would disagree.
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Since when do I as an employer have a job that belongs to U.S. Guys or anyone else. These guys are doing "our flying". If you want to call it "your flying", start a company, buy a plane, put it in service, and you can call it "my flying".

If I agree to pay someone else to do some flying I do not want to do, it becomes their flying, not mine.

While it is labled as "our flying" I think what people are upset about is, if you show up to fly in Mexico, England, Spain, etc. It is very difficult to get work. Most times you will not even get a response (according to a friend). Other job internationally except Cathay require some pretty hard time.

The one twist to what the thread now says, are they really taking jobs, if this is a multi turbine block time purchase?


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