(In my best Handy-Man voice)
Yooouuu Freakin eedeeeoootttsss!!!
but eeeffff da weder is such dat I kannot get ooowwwttt VVEEEEFFFFFRRRRR...den I aaammm thtuck on da ground unteeeeellllll Keptin DUUUMMMAAASSSS calls AAYYYY TTEEEE CEEEE.
Don't quite understand what you mean??? You either don't understand the "hold for release" concept, or you are confused about something else.
1) Hold for release=departure airport wx at departure mins or better. It's a way to pick up your ATC clearance without causing traffic jam at the departure airport. Not stuck on the ground like you suggest. Only delay would be the ATC release time(which is usually minimal at best), requested when you are at the end of runway.
2) VFR climb=you are on an IFR clearance but depart under VFR regs. WX must be VFR mins. You are responsible for traffic, cloud and terrain clearance until "radar contact".
Judging from your original post, you need a refresher of IFR regs.
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