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Gary Kelly's ATN Comments at Message To The Field

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I know when you were hired.

The most junior SWA Captain was hired almost 4 YEARS before you got hired at your dream job.

Just sayin',

Apparently, you don't know when I was hired. I was hired within a few months of your most junior OAK Capt., according to your seniority list.
I think you confusing "happy to be an FO" with "don't want the captain payscale". Everyone wants the captain payscale. Captain seat? Who gives a fig, you can have that, just pay me my 12yr CA protected rate.
I'm not confusing squat. If they want to tout the life of leisure and luxury as a senior FO, let 'em enjoy it. Who am I to stand between them and all that? :beer:
Apparently, you don't know when I was hired. I was hired within a few months of your most junior OAK Capt., according to your seniority list.

Yeah I was thinking your most junior captain. You are a mid-level captain hired a couple months after 9/11.


November is after September but whose counting. :beer:
I didn't realize who you wuz . . . . Sheesh. :D

Quit being such a ****************************** to your former, and soon to be again, brothers . . . . I think you owe me a case of that homebrew, home boy! :beer:
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I'll buy the first round. It is customary for the captains to buy at SWA. :beer:

You can be the Captain when I'm in the lav. And on my days off . . . . That's a lot of days, so you'll actually be Captain more days than me. ;)
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