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Gary Kelly's ATN Comments at Message To The Field

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We are a threat to you but you will still be friendly to our face?!?!

You got it baby,,

When you guys accept the great deal you already are getting and stop trying to get into our left seats, we can all sit down and have a cold one paid for a real SWA Capt. The sooner you guys accept it and come on over for all the goodies your already set to get and start making the money we are glad to have you. But as long as you guys along with the ALPA job killing machine keep the fight going for what is not yours I will not be buying any key lime pie or handing out hugs to you guys.

Don't you think thats a bit odd for us to by the pie and for you guys to accept the pie all the while you are trying to rape SWAPA ???

Cheers vayto
You guys are forgetting that the 'new' AAI contract is alot closer to the Southwest contract, so there's really not that big of difference, except..

ALPA is fighting to get them on our contract ASAP for some reason. Heard Gary wouldn't even meet with them on these items.

Talk about arguing out of both sides of your mouth.
What a pair of morons. If those idiots actually fly SWA airplanes, the highly-vaunted hiring standards certainly ended before these buffoons were let in the door.

Tell me again what I am supposed to be trading my seniority for?
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We are a threat to you but you will still be friendly to our face?!?!

You got it baby,,

When you guys accept the great deal you already are getting and stop trying to get into our left seats, we can all sit down and have a cold one paid for a real SWA Capt. The sooner you guys accept it and come on over for all the goodies your already set to get and start making the money we are glad to have you. But as long as you guys along with the ALPA job killing machine keep the fight going for what is not yours I will not be buying any key lime pie or handing out hugs to you guys.

Don't you think thats a bit odd for us to by the pie and for you guys to accept the pie all the while you are trying to rape SWAPA ???

Cheers vayto

LOL!, keep it up, just don't be surprised when your own guys give you a blanket party when your posts are used during the arbitration! Adios, cabron!
-for the SWA bottom half that has a lot to lose from this "good deal."
That's the thing-you don't lose a THING, other than your pride, maybe. You'll still upgrade with your percentage. You have had years of gains while aai has had jack. Now that they get gains you had, you also want something? It doesn't work that way.
I highly doubt anything said here would ever go before an arbitrator. Are you serious?!

This board is nothing more than a support group for closet Tourette's patients.

If I ever hear any of this $hit in my cockpit, someone is not finishing the trip! Me or the other dude....doesn't matter. I will not tolerate this buffoonery and nonsense while I am at the job I enjoy. Go ruin someone else's day.

That's the thing-you don't lose a THING, other than your pride, maybe. You'll still upgrade with your percentage. You have had years of gains while aai has had jack. Now that they get gains you had, you also want something? It doesn't work that way.

We got what we negotiated, and so did you. Now you seem to think that you are entitled to what we negotiated without paying the same price that we did? I'm sorry, JJ, but it truly doesn't work THAT way.

As for the "you don't lose a THING comment", relative seniority for you guys would cost the bottom half of our seniority hundreds of thousands of dollars in career earnings from delayed upgrades (you guys would get a disproportionate benefit from our retirements) while every one on the AAI list would increase their career earning potential by at least 1 million dollars. So, actually, we would lose more than just our pride.

Speaking of pride, with all the gains that you guys are going to realize by reaping the benefits of the contract that SWAPA earned, it seems to me that all this talk about "losing our CA seats/lost upgrade potential/seniority is forever - even though I have 4 yrs. less longevity (on average) than all you guys" is nothing more than that - foolish pride.

I highly doubt anything said here would ever go before an arbitrator. Are you serious?!

This board is nothing more than a support group for closet Tourette's patients.

If I ever hear any of this $hit in my cockpit, someone is not finishing the trip! Me or the other dude....doesn't matter. I will not tolerate this buffoonery and nonsense while I am at the job I enjoy. Go ruin someone else's day.


By the way, if you are the type of guy that refers to it as "my cockpit", you, sir, are the Jackwagon. By the way, the ******* retired Lieutenant Colonel store called -- they're out of you.

apparently not everybody has read the memo.


Finally, the Merger Committee continues to receive reports that AirTran pilots may be discussing the SLI and related merger topics on independent pilot message boards. The matter has risen to the level that both the ATN and SWA MC's have been in contact about posts which may have been written by each other’s pilots. Upon further review, it would appear that there are in fact a number of posts on these forums which attempt to make a case for either AirTran or Southwest pilots, but which are needlessly provocative, and are doing little more than aggravating these pilots’ future coworkers. Furthermore, it would appear that some could potentially even be harmful to one or the other side in the SLI process.

Posts from AirTran pilots need to stop, and as such, the Merger Committee requests the AirTran pilots refrain from posting anything pertaining to the merger on outside message boards. On the internet, people often say something wrong. But your reply is unlikely to make things right, and may even make things worse. In addition, it’s worth remembering that we do ourselves no favors when we get into heated conversations with Southwest pilots in airports, on layovers, or in crew vans. Only a tiny minority of your reported conversations with Southwest pilots has been anything less than friendly and welcoming, so let’s make sure our future interactions continue that trend.

In service,

Your ATN MEC Merger Committee

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