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Freedom Airline Jumpseat

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MAP Leadership


We as a pilot group are looking at our ALPA leaders very closely. The jury is still out right now, but we will soon see how they perform.

et. al, Regarding scum bags. Is the mesa pilot group going to be considered scum bags if we accept J4?. I personally do not support J4J because it will impact the wholly owned companies. Therefore in many opinions we will be scum bags. However, as another pilot from Piedmont said, "It's a dog eat dog environment right now."

"C" Rancher,

You got a pair. Congratulations. Finally a mesa pilot who can look at his own pilot group for what it is. Good for you. There's enough blame to go around, it's refreshing to hear someone at least acknowledge their group isn't perfect. BTW, all Freedom and Mesa pilots are welcome in my jumpseat anytime. Period. The jumpseat is not a weapon.
The Mirror


Thanks. It all boils down to being your own man or woman and treating others as you would want to be treated. I can still look at myself in the mirror and know I am doing what I think is right.


P.S. It all works out in the end anyway. Freedom will soon join the mesa ranks. I'm sure these pilots will get enough grief from the mesa pilot group. Me personally, I have enough to worry about (the "real" issue)... a better contract , with scope, duty rigs, per diem, commuter clause, etc... In the meantime, I'll ride my horses, burn wood, and shoot my guns whenever I am home.
Hey Guys, can someone tell me why someone with very low time such as myself would give up the chance to fly crj700 and 900's. We all have the passion to fly and get the time by any means necessary. Each man has to look at himself and evaluate his own situation. I personally think it will be a while until the grass turn anywhere close to green on the other side (majors). If they gave me a chance as of now I would strongly consider the job. Freedom guy should have no shame. Good luck guys.
Freedumb Airlines

Riddlebratt said:
Hey Guys, can someone tell me why someone with very low time such as myself would give up the chance to fly crj700 and 900's..... Because you could potentially screw yourself badly when it comes time to interview with an ALPA carrier. Some folks do NOT take kindly at an end run to bust a union.......

We all have the passion to fly and get the time by any means necessary. This is very true. This is why we instruct, fly charter, commuter jobs, etc.........

I personally think it will be a while until the grass turn anywhere close to green on the other side (majors). A VERY long while.

If they gave me a chance as of now I would strongly consider the job. Freedom guy should have no shame.........REALLY?? Even though thier boss has simply taken flying away from their former co-workers at MESA and given it to FREEDOM? Would you want to go back to work with the folks that have just been cut off at the knees by not only the actions of management, but also by those that have gone to work there? :confused: :confused:
It seems so easy for SOME of you guys sitting at your airline jobs to pass judgement!!! To make threats and set new policies for your employers.

As C'rancher said, why don't you go to the source, the company and bark at them?? Why because they would bounce you right out of there!! Then, maybe then you would be labled the trouble maker that you are!!

It appears some of us have lost sight of the big picture!!
Freedumb Airlines

flying4food said:
It seems so easy for SOME of you guys sitting at your airline jobs to pass judgement!!! To make threats and set new policies for your employers. I didn't realize that attempting to to give this person an answer to the asked question was "passing judgement". As for making threats and setting policy at my employer, I am VERY certain that absolutely nothing I could say would affect any decision made within the walls of the ivory tower.

Why because they would bounce you right out of there!! Then, maybe then you would be labled the trouble maker that you are!! Do tell??? I would be surprised if any of my companys'chief pilots knew I was even on the payroll I am so low profile...

It appears some of us have lost sight of the big picture!! No that is absolute CRAP. There are still alot of folks that would try to give this individual grief if he or she shows up at an interview with FREEDUMB AIRLINES on their resume. I personally would hate to see someone that appears to be so new to this industry harm themselves when this thing finally does turn around. I actually commend this individual for having the forethought to ask such an intelligent question. Whether or not they pursue FREEDUMB is their own choice, but at least they took the time to ask.
Riddlebratt said:
Hey Guys, can someone tell me why someone with very low time such as myself would give up the chance to fly crj700 and 900's. We all have the passion to fly and get the time by any means necessary. Each man has to look at himself and evaluate his own situation. I personally think it will be a while until the grass turn anywhere close to green on the other side (majors). If they gave me a chance as of now I would strongly consider the job. Freedom guy should have no shame. Good luck guys.

WRONG! You need to take a closer look at this rapidly changing regional industry before you comment like that. Freedumb type airlines are bad for our long term job security and pay. Just looking at it like a stepping stone to the Majors is narrowminded. The Majors are in rough shape and things are changing. You might not move on to the Majors so you better find yourself a decent regional job with decent pay and respectability.

Or, you can hop on the Freedumb bandwagon and fly the -900; allowing extra room for your head to expand at the same time. A few years down the road you'll still be flying the -900 for the same sub standard wages you began with. Then you'll ask yourself why you helped out a company that's lowering the bar for all of us at no benefit to yourself whatsoever. Lose - lose situation anyway you look at it. Find an ALPA rep and have them explain it to you.
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Riddlebratt said:
Hey Guys, can someone tell me why someone with very low time such as myself would give up the chance to fly crj700 and 900's. We all have the passion to fly and get the time by any means necessary. Each man has to look at himself and evaluate his own situation. I personally think it will be a while until the grass turn anywhere close to green on the other side (majors). If they gave me a chance as of now I would strongly consider the job. Freedom guy should have no shame. Good luck guys.

Three books they should have given you when you over paid for your training: Rapid Descent, Flying the Line, and Flying the Line part Two. If you dont get it after reading these then you are not going to get it.

And you'll have plenty of time to think about it from JAIL!!!!!!!!!!

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