XJhawk- you may want to actually read the LOA in the contract. The date is changed, longevity for pay is not. Dues came out starting on class date +1. So I had dues coming out in September (while on first year pay) but didn't hit year 2 pay/benefits until November (checkride). This is all clear in the LOA. The list submitted contained the same info from the "certified" list when the process started, only difference is "column G" was removed which was "checkride date" which left class date as our only date (first day of class) which exactly what LOA2.V stipulated and was allowed under the last bullet point of the process/protocol agreement when this all started. It was a known variable and Mesaba and Colgan contest it because it doesn't benefit them. On the PCL side we are now all on exactly the same page for respective start dates. Nobodyis getting "an edge" but it is beneficial to others to "dock" a group in the event DOH is anywhere associated with the award method. It's up to Bloch, but there was no "last minute carpet yank" going on. If anything this issue wasn't realized by others as it was agreed to in negotiations. One of the last pieces of the JCBA was the hire date/longevity. 9E pilots have the date changed (mainly for sli parity and travel benes) but we did not get longevity adjustment for pay/vacation/401k match. The 9E MEC let it go in order for all to get the contract (although the company made it very clear that we had ZERO chance of getting the change due to costs). You can source me- I was in the room and a voting member on that.