OK, again, explain to me the difference from a ramp worker going through an FBI background check and being issued a SIDA badge to bypass the security checkpoints, and an FFDO who takes a course, is issued a gun and bypasses security, there is NONE, so if I go take the FFDO course, I too can bypass the x-ray machine and metal detector, that sounds like a really secure system, that allows an FFDO to be able to carry anything he wants in his bags or on him and bypass the security lines.....
That will be the next one tried by a terrorist, they will get someone hired by one of the airlines, they will get trainied as an FFDO, then make it through security without ever having their bags checked and they will have a loaded weapon, excellent................ and you wonder why no other country in the world allows loaded weapons in the cockpit.........
OK, I take a shot at this question..............pun intended!
A FFDO has taken 10 years minimum out of his life to get trained and be hired by a major airline for a life long profession as a Pilot. Then goes the extra mile and volunteers to be an FFDO, goes through many tests and like you said is issued a gun by the government. I would say he is a trusted person for the job and the last line of defense on a aircraft. 911 taught us that we cant be complacent in the cockpit any more and it seems the powers to be also share that same sentiment, hence the FFDO program.
The ramp worker has no formal training and is considered unskilled labor and can be hired right off the street.There back ground check may come back clean but there usually isnt a long term commitment to the job or the profession of loading bags. Also under no circumstances should they be allowed to be able to bring weapons onto the airport property without security present and checking them and any bags they may have with them.
If you read up on the link regarding that PSA flight that was brought down in 1987, by just that example (ramper not screened properly) you would understand that since it happened 23 years ago and it appears they still havent completely taken care of that loop hole (the reason this thread was started). Pretty sad and goes back to money and not wanting to hire the extra security that would be needed.
I would assume by your questions you dont fly for a major airline. If you did you would understand all the above. If you dont believe in the FFDO program thats fine and I respect your decision although I dont agree with it. Its voluntary and not everyone is capable of making that dedicated commitment or capable of making life threatening split second decisions.