No, The TSA was bad under Bush and Tom Ridge, but it is outrageous under Obama and Napalatino! Thanks for calling me Rush by the way, can you claim the same thanks for being likened to Janet? Again, I can't even remember signing anything before I got my airline badge nor did I sign anything when I renewed my badge. I am pretty sure SIDA is airport specific. Did he have one? I do not have one with my current employer. Even if he had a SIDA and he signed it, does his video meet those charges or is this fear mongering and intimidation by Janet? You are just way too gleeful at calling this pilot names before any facts are out, and with the facts at hand, you are too gleeful at not backing pilots on a pilot issue.Thanks Rush, I'm sure when the Republicans were in power the TSA was doing a fantastic job. You are trying to politicize this debate in order to side step the issues. The guy signed numerous papers stating he wouldn't divulge SIDA information, and then posted it on YouTube. I could care less if you and the FI Peanut Gallery think the bad guys already have all the information. He did something wrong, got busted and will now have to deal with the consequences. Again, end of story.
"End of story"? What is that? Your grand declaration? Sounds like Janet's thinking. "Obey my orders. End of story" I can see how it is that you grovel at her feet.
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