So maybe the military shouldnt have guns either?
The thread was started about the TSA and a FDDO/Pilot that exposed a weakness in the system thats been around a long time. The FFDO program is here to stay. If you dont like it then try to change it. Other than that all the whining you do on FI because you dont like the FFDO program is pointless.
I don't think batsky is whining. He is debating.
The FFDO program was a knee jerk reaction made among a SLEW of other knee jerk reactions addressing 911 (TSA for example???).
The simple fact is the perpetrators of 911 were on the radar already and a known commodity but were allowed to slip thru the cracks. That scenario was easily preventable and could not happen again today...and that has nothing to do with the FFDO program...or the TSA for that matter.
I find it ironic that the same people who criticize the TSA are gung-ho for the FFDO program.
The topic reminds me of a captain I flew with long before 911 who was big time into guns and shooting in his off time. It's all he talked about. I remember thinking to myself that he was just a little too into guns... and I'm not anti-gun ownership. I bet that guy can't even think straight now he's got such a woody with the FFDO program.