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Falcon sms = transonic????

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Gee, since there's only one 7X training company, which company could it be? If he's right, that would be very, very, cool!

Along with the current training provider (CAE in MMU) FSI is also gearing up a 7X program in DFW. The existing 2 sims in the world dont seem too busy yet, so it may be a pretty slow start..

Dassault has been talking about fast airplanes (supersonic) for years. However....they, like most others, have enough problems selling airplanes that are piling up everywhere right now.

I'd not expect much effort in $100mil+ supersonic corp jets right away. These days Dassault has ramped up the "green" and "fuel efficient" play in best efforts to outdue other OEMs.

Also - I would DEFINITELY not take much value in any kind of rumor I heard at a training facility!....:erm:...from my experience, those guys are often as far disconnected from whats really going on as one can be - especially with Dassault.
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If my limited experience in this industry has shown me anything, its that there's no rumors like schoolhouse rumors...


I agree. I don't think my source would mislead me..........but who's to say that his source hasn't mislead him?......and like someone posted earlier, this could be a goal that fails or falls short. Never-the-less if they succeed in beating out the Citation X in speed, it'll still be a an interesting plane.
Also - I would DEFINITELY not take much value in any kind of rumor I heard at a training facility!....:erm:...from my experience, those guys are often as far disconnected from whats really going on as one can be - especially with Dassault.

Notice the multiple question marks on my original post. There is quite a bit of skepticism on my part that this will become a reality although I can believe that this may be their goal.

I agree. I don't think my source would mislead me..........but who's to say that his source hasn't mislead him?......and like someone posted earlier, this could be a goal that fails or falls short. Never-the-less if they succeed in beating out the Citation X in speed, it'll still be a an interesting plane.

Interesting yes....big seller? doubt it..

Range and comfort (cabin altitude, humidity, galley, etc) are far higher on buyers lists these days. OEMs also seem to be putting 90% of their effort into the longest range aircraft, and all are going FBW.

I keep hearing of more and more .85+ airplanes being flown at .80-.82 to save money.

There would always be a handful of rich eccentrics willing to pay any price for the hottest, fastest thing...but the current plan of lying low and not being noticed looks like it will (sadly) be here for a LONG LONG time!
Well, you know what they say-- big airplane, big suitcase-- I'll take my 'barbie jet' and the extra home time anyday.(Big airplanes-BTDT)
Well, you know what they say-- big airplane, big suitcase-- I'll take my 'barbie jet' and the extra home time anyday.(Big airplanes-BTDT)

The average fractional Cessna pilot and regional RJ/ERJ pilot do far more work days, and overnights, than most "big airplane" corporate pilots I know......and usually for far less money.

The most overnights I ever did in a year in this business was in a Learjet. Id also rather do a 5 day overnight then have a week or so off as opposed to long days and quick 1-2 night overnights in a row...but to each his own.

and really, from my observation -- its not the plane at all that determines QOL --- its the JOB!!
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