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Falcon sms = transonic????

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Actually I was only speaking with regard to the corporate world (leaving fractionals and regionals out of the equation), and my experience in 35+ years in the business is what I said before- big plane, big bag.
Actually I was only speaking with regard to the corporate world (leaving fractionals and regionals out of the equation), and my experience in 35+ years in the business is what I said before- big plane, big bag.

I hear what you're saying...I just look a little further.

To me, QOL is largely dependent on STAFFING. I could care less about the size of the plane.

A previous job I had was all larger planes and QOL was very high as the planes were staffed with 5-6 pilots each. Of course along with that came big department issues common to many places...but anyhow..a Learjet I flew was 2 pilots. When it flew, we flew...mx, etc - one of us went. We were expected to arrange our vacation around mx or the bosses schedule - again - F**k that. It gets old. The promise of supplemental help is met with a fight over "why do you need time off, you just had a week off in Apsen"...lovely...of course throw in the average dirtbag MGMT company and some charter! - wow life really sucks.

Point is, I would much rather be on a well staffed ANYTHING than a 2 pilot airplane, and from my experience in corporate, smaller aircraft are far more often staffed with 2 pilots. Big bag or small bag...it usually sucks. Thats why I shop the job, not the plane. I cant think of a bigger nightmare than a charter/managed long range plane with 2 pilots. You would have to be a single person with no life to deal with that (IMHO) Its pretty easy to pick out the bitter old 3 divorce corporate pilots. I guess I just don't have that dedication to aviation.

A well staffed large plane seems to bring good QOL and the best chance for a large paycheck (and paycheck is a close 2nd to me!) - add a nice boss to fly and a good manager/pilot running it - you are in good shape!

In a perfect world.....

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Interesting yes....big seller? doubt it..

Range and comfort (cabin altitude, humidity, galley, etc) are far higher on buyers lists these days. OEMs also seem to be putting 90% of their effort into the longest range aircraft, and all are going FBW.

I keep hearing of more and more .85+ airplanes being flown at .80-.82 to save money.

There would always be a handful of rich eccentrics willing to pay any price for the hottest, fastest thing...but the current plan of lying low and not being noticed looks like it will (sadly) be here for a LONG LONG time!

>>>Then how do you explain how the C-X is the busiest and most popular fleet at NetJets and that Citation Shares (or whatever they're calling themselves now) just decided to add the X to their fleet?

I believe that no matter how bad things get, speed will always be as important if not more important to some then cabin size and galley. Judging by NetJet's #s, that some are a large group.
Q of L is the key, I would take it over $$$.

The problem that I have discovered is that places with great Q of L don't pay and that's fine if you aren't flying. But great Q of L can disappear very quickly and then the excuses come, the salery survey BS starts, people start to leave, mgt offers titles, yada yada.

The thing is the $$$ never comes. I have never seen of heard of a flt operation that has sorry for the increased work load and reduced Q of L, here's a raise.........
But moisseur it's not my fault...

How many time have u heard that at a Falcon service center
I hear what you're saying...I just look a little further.

To me, QOL is largely dependent on STAFFING. I could care less about the size of the plane.

A previous job I had was all larger planes and QOL was very high as the planes were staffed with 5-6 pilots each. Of course along with that came big department issues common to many places...but anyhow..a Learjet I flew was 2 pilots. When it flew, we flew...mx, etc - one of us went. We were expected to arrange our vacation around mx or the bosses schedule - again - F**k that. It gets old. The promise of supplemental help is met with a fight over "why do you need time off, you just had a week off in Apsen"...lovely...of course throw in the average dirtbag MGMT company and some charter! - wow life really sucks.

Point is, I would much rather be on a well staffed ANYTHING than a 2 pilot airplane, and from my experience in corporate, smaller aircraft are far more often staffed with 2 pilots. Big bag or small bag...it usually sucks. Thats why I shop the job, not the plane. I cant think of a bigger nightmare than a charter/managed long range plane with 2 pilots. You would have to be a single person with no life to deal with that (IMHO) Its pretty easy to pick out the bitter old 3 divorce corporate pilots. I guess I just don't have that dedication to aviation.

A well staffed large plane seems to bring good QOL and the best chance for a large paycheck (and paycheck is a close 2nd to me!) - add a nice boss to fly and a good manager/pilot running it - you are in good shape!

In a perfect world.....


Ha I fly a 2 pilot part 135 604 and I wouldn't change jobs with you for anything. Salary, bonus for flying charters, bennies, and over the last 3 years I have averaged around 100 hrs of flying and 20 days AT WORK. Type of plane, operating rules, and and anything else you care to measure don't compare to who you work for. I know a guy who makes around 200k on a Hawker. Quality of life is all about who you work for.
Ha I fly a 2 pilot part 135 604 and I wouldn't change jobs with you for anything. Salary, bonus for flying charters, bennies, and over the last 3 years I have averaged around 100 hrs of flying and 20 days AT WORK. Type of plane, operating rules, and and anything else you care to measure don't compare to who you work for. I know a guy who makes around 200k on a Hawker. Quality of life is all about who you work for.

well OK! It took me a few times to read it to comprehend, but I think I got it.

Thanks, but I don't think I would ever want to switch jobs with you either.

Glad you like your job, so do I -- and at the end of the day....airline, fractional, corporate, freight, CFI, whatever...that's all that matters.
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G-D G4G5, way to screw up the screen formatting with all 'dem Falcon types...

yeah man, if you are dreaming of all them junk french type ratings just use a "/" between them, not a ","

Its in the CODDE.

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