Sorry Dan, but maybe you don't run into many Easties out there in HNL. Almost everyone of them to a tee thinks they are way inferior to the Westies. It is almost comical. Bird has every right to feel the way he does, he and the others are being raped. They were legally awarded an SLI, and for years they haven't moved up, haven't gotten a pay raise, nothing, all thanks to a group of crybabies . I think your own opinion Dan would change if you actually met one of them and asked them their opinion about their own merger.
Bye Bye---General Lee
Actually General I know a LOT of east guys. I flew for Henson at one time and a lot went to Piedmont and Usair. One good friend is, in fact, a pathalogical USAPIAN, he's a good guy other than the whole USAPA deal has twisted him and defined much of his life. Another, is quite embarrassed by USAPA, but just gets on with his life and is better off for it. Personally, I judge people individually and not by their airline affiliation. I think you can agree that their are mostly good people and a few idiots at every airline. Even those flying into Lubbock!