I'm sorry skumza did you say something? I was busy giving my airplane a professional union preflight. First of all if you were who you said you were two years ago you would have been furloughed a long time ago as we are well into PIC's on the list. Second I was referring to the pilots flying around doing favors and carrying items on live legs and into mx bases. And why should I wear an O2 mask above thirty five for a measly bonus which after taxes is practically nothing. You are not or ever will be a rank and file pilot here so go suck it. Furthur more it is far below 30-40 percent less. No flights for me above thirty five. Just once I would like to see this company do right by it's pilots. You can tell your mgmt cronies to start sharing the wealth before we kill the goose that lays lead eggs.
10 year capt netjets 15 day schedule $131,179+3935 in 401k=135,114
10 year flops pilot 16 day schedule $75,900 + no 401k = 75,900
The company is running out of time in their delay tactics, I'll see you on the picket line jerk
Man do you have to show the numbers, thats just wrong. I was having a nice day!