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Endeavor can't fill a class!

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Ahahaha! Big words for a middle school grad! You know you are a loser, and your situation isn't going to get better. Enjoy the Titanic!

Bye Bye---General Lee
This has to be your shortest reply to a post in a long time. What's a matter? Hitting a little too close to the truth? No not too big, word wise, just the average vocabulary of an adult. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that, since instead of English and Math classes you took advanced basket weaving classes since you were on the non-diploma track. That's OK pizza parlors need sign shakers too, proof there is a job for everyone, you too.

P.S. Middle School, High School, College too, all graduated, diplomas for all. You ribbons for hall monitor are impressive too!
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I am not going to get into this fight, but it is entertaining and has brought up a good point. I wish there would be a memo put out to all Delta pilots. Yes, we at Endeavor work for a company owned by Delta and in many cases have worse benefits for Delta than a new hire baggage thrower's second cousin with a buddy pass. We do not have a flow, some of us did have a flow but it was taken away from us by Delta and ALPA. WHat we have now is an interview with sometimes a 25% success rate for a job offer-which will be even lower because the sweatshop that Delta created here at BENDOVER has created a workplace that can neither keep nor attract employees to fly the planes. How many hours of sick time Does Delta pilots get a year? We get about a 3 day trip covered for our sick time each year. How much money was deposited into the Delta pilot profit sharing program last quarter again? 250 million? Oh yeah, I think I got $75 dollars last quarter for my part in that success after my pilot group took a $10 million dollar pay cut this year. The list goes on and every time I hear the ignorance of a Delta pilot when it comes to what they did to us and how they benefit from it makes me disgusted.
Does anybody know the big news?? dal is getting 88 Boeing 717's!!!!!

This forum super sucks ass
But if you are a 15 year 900 captain (XJ) you are doing ready reserve 3 times a week. Then again, if you are a 7 year 900 captain (colgan) you are holding a nice line with weekends off.

Yes, I guess I am still a little bitter. ALpO can go take a flying leap. They should have a disclaimer at your Date OF Hire (DOH) when you get your seniority number that your hire date and seniority number can be negotiated away and given to someone else that has yet to be hired yet and in the future just might not have any airplanes left in the fleet but will be getting a better schedule and more pay because some idiot union and their mediator think they have more career expectations-with no planes and less time at the company???done being bitter.

Haven't you figured it out yet??

Any gains, no matter how meager = LOOK WHAT YOUR ASSOCIATION HAS DONE FOR YOU.


Ergo, you can't blame ALPA.
I am not going to get into this fight, but it is entertaining and has brought up a good point. I wish there would be a memo put out to all Delta pilots. Yes, we at Endeavor work for a company owned by Delta and in many cases have worse benefits for Delta than a new hire baggage thrower's second cousin with a buddy pass. We do not have a flow, some of us did have a flow but it was taken away from us by Delta and ALPA. WHat we have now is an interview with sometimes a 25% success rate for a job offer-which will be even lower because the sweatshop that Delta created here at BENDOVER has created a workplace that can neither keep nor attract employees to fly the planes. How many hours of sick time Does Delta pilots get a year? We get about a 3 day trip covered for our sick time each year. How much money was deposited into the Delta pilot profit sharing program last quarter again? 250 million? Oh yeah, I think I got $75 dollars last quarter for my part in that success after my pilot group took a $10 million dollar pay cut this year. The list goes on and every time I hear the ignorance of a Delta pilot when it comes to what they did to us and how they benefit from it makes me disgusted.

Welcome to Comair.
Hi ding-a-ling. This shows you are an ASA pilot. The 767ER does BOTH domestic and INTL flying, and I do some domestic, especially on greenslips. I am senior in category, and get greenslips often. You are at ASA (now Expressjet), and obviously don't know how it works at mainline, and I doubt you will ever get the chance. Good night night idiot!

Bye Bye---General Lee

Thanks again for proving what a colossal a-hole you are.

I'm on the -88, but I do understand that the 767 is all combined now. I also understand how greenslips work (duh). My POINT is you you constantly brag about your international overnights (which if you're as senior as you claim, you could hold exclusively), but whenever the story serves your interests, you suddenly change your tune. Now you pick up domestic greenslips just to mentor young regional pilots on the jumpseat. Got it!

General, you are a liar and are not a pilot. Most likely a dispatcher. Everyone here knows that. This is why they shred you on the majors board constanly. This is also why you troll the regionals board. You can't hang over there. Please go away, you have no credibility left. Don't call me a ding a ling because I'm a girl. Don't tell me I work at ASA because you can't address my actual comment without another lie. Don't talk about your homoerotic fantasies with "uncle steve". Just go away. Find another hobby.

Mods, users of this webboard are dropping like flies. All the serious conversations have moved to apc dot com, mostly because of this fool. It's not entertaining anymore. Please delete him and give this board some chance of survival. It's gone on long enough.
Talking contract differences. Let's say for arguments sake G.L. is toped out on the 76 and is "making it rain." with green slips. He could easily make $150k in pay. Add to this Delta's direct contribution pension plan of 15%. 150 x .15 = $22,500. Don't forget profit share of $10,500. Total compensation in the other category of $33,000. What can an Endeavor FO expect?
A bendover FO can't expect 33k/year...they voted for it . Bring Bloch back to the drawing board, and enforce DOH! Enough said

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