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Emirates Open Day in the States

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Going2Baja said:
What is DEC and what is the chance for a US pilot to get hired? How many Yanks currently working? ANd TP are you an X-pat and if so how do you find living in Dubai?


Filejw covered the DEC thing. There are currently 48 U.S. pilots at EK. EK are actively recruiting U.S. pilots and that number will go over 100 by the end of next year, if not sooner.

On Your Six says to look at PPrune, which all should do, but keep in mind that it is mostly non-Americans posting on there and their perspective is different. If a person does their homework and comes to EK with realistic expectations of flying for EK and living in Dubai then they are generally content. There are some legitimate complaints from the posters on Prune, the two biggest of which are already known factors for somebody making a decision to join today. They are: the hiring of DECs and the change to our pay rules over one year ago.

Anybody entertaining the idea of becoming an expat needs to realize that you have no union protections whatsoever and are completely on your own when you go fly overseas. Companies can and do change conditions as it suits them, with no recourse for you.

EK shouldn't be a first choice of airlines to go to work for, especially for somebody who is young and has many years of flying ahead of them. It is, however, an alternative that is worth exploring. It works best for pilots furloughed from majors or who worked for airlines that have ceased to exist.


P.S. EK recruitment will be at the AeroService job fair in Miami on April 22nd.
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Ukrainian Snapper!!!!

typhoonpilot said:
There are certainly a lot of very rich people in Dubai. The opportunity to make money in Dubai is like no other place in the world right now. It is a boomtown and if a person has the right idea and the right talents they can very easily become a multi-millionaire. Too bad I've never been entreprenurial :( .

Honestly, I don't travel in the tourist or visitor circles very much. My one experience of going to a 5 star resort for a weekend getaway was very nice and it appeared all guests were treated the same. There is a much higher level of service in certain areas, even for us lowely middle class workers.

The neighborhood I live in is very middle class. As are the places we shop and eat. Those tend to be the circles I travel in. Occasionally we'll go on excursions into Satwa, Karama, and Bur Dubai where we are seen as the ultra wealthy by comparison. Those neighborhoods are much lower income level than ours. I get my haircut in Satwa from a Pakistani barber. He does a very nice job and it only costs $5.40. I can then go around the corner and buy 3 chicken shawarmas for about $3.00, more than enough for a meal.


I hear you. That can be very annoying. You can either let it get to you or just realize that there are people here with no manners whatsoever. For what it's worth, I say something when it happens as well. More accurately I'll try to anticipate it happening and give a nasty look to the offender so keep them in place. On more than one occasion I've had the clerk tell the guy I was there first and to wait your turn.

What's up with you guys and the Russian/eastern European girls ? I've never seen any of them around Dubai :p .


Hey guy,
I thought by your handle you were a CX HKG guy?! Anyhow I think dubai is kinda like Vegas for Europeans. Its all about the bling, but most of what you see is done on credit.

As for the racism line well can't say that I've really experienced that much. Being brown working to my advantage for once let's call it active camo!!!

For anyone considering Dubai and Emirates (I don't work for them or live there although we fly their colors and it feels like I never leave) Here's my observations:
Dubai is what you make it. If you like the beach, bars, night clubs and a generally fast high end lifestyle you can have all of it. Where else are you gonna go and actually have the smallest thing you fly being an A330. If you are single man go live fast play hard, but realize you'll be wearing platinum handcuffs.

Watchout for the Ukrainian Snapper! Its a meaty white fish that can be addictive to some.
81Horse says,

"Really? Can you prove me wrong? And why should the company be free from criticism? If I am wrong, I'd be very pleased to know it."

I can prove you wrong. We have 5 pilots of the Jewish faith that I know of, (1 from South Africa, 1 from Austrailia and 3 from eastern Europe) and we have one female cadet in training. We did have another famale that was in the works a few years ago but she went to another job in the gulf.

Emirates does not have any problems with jews. It is a political problem with Isreal. If you are jewish you have just as good a chance as anyone else of getting hired. If you are from Isreal, forget it! Hopefully the female cadet will be the first of many.


330 Man
I really would love to have the address of a synagogue in DXB so that I can worship when I am next in town on Shabbat. Can you help?
It's been a big shift for them to go for RJ drivers now that the 737/A320 pool of pilots has dried up.

Bro..please. Whether you fly an RJ or a guppy, we all know it's the same job. A jet is a jet period.
330 man, thank you for the information. Though I was being a smartass (as usual) in my earlier posts, I am pleased to know things are not as I assumed.
docholiday said:
It's been a big shift for them to go for RJ drivers now that the 737/A320 pool of pilots has dried up.

Bro..please. Whether you fly an RJ or a guppy, we all know it's the same job. A jet is a jet period.


You need to read a few more of my posts before you start in on this subject like a fool. The point that I was making with the above statement is that EK only hired pilots who had flown something in the 737 or Airbus class up until very recently. For two years I tried to help a friend who was an RJ check airman get an interview. We even walked into the recruiting managers office one day for a sit down chat. It was not possible because there was a policy not to hire people who had only flown RJ or smaller aircraft. Within a few months of him getting typed on the A320 he had an interview and is now here as an A330 F.O.

I actively talked to people in recruiting to get them to look at RJ drivers and I have been saying for a few years that the time would come that the policy would change. So my comment that you have taken offense at indicates the culmination of that effort, not a slight on RJ drivers.

Cpt. Underpants said:
I really would love to have the address of a synagogue in DXB so that I can worship when I am next in town on Shabbat. Can you help?

I really would love to have the address of a synagogue in DXB so that I can worship when I am next in town on Shabbat. Can you help?

Cpl Panties.

Nothing like a man working for a Chinese Govt company casting aspersions on the rights of a certain religious sect in another country – sad.

I really would love to have the address of some opposition democracy parties in Beijing so that I can join when I am next in town on ‘Voters Rights Day’. Can you help?

It is clear by your loaded questions you are an EK sceptic, yet you live in a country run by communists. And before you try to differentiate HK from the mainland – trust me when the Peoples Red Army entered the Fragrant Harbour before the handover (pathetic) – the British empire was confirmed dead.

The difference between China and the UAE is this –

A couple of weeks ago the workers on the Burj Tower Dubai (the worlds tallest tower) revolted against their conditions – the result was the granting by the Maktoum family the creation of unions in the UAE.

Perhaps they should have taken Deng’s approach and sent in the tanks.

Before you cast stones little fellow read the universally acclaimed ‘MAO’ by Chung and Halliday.

C.U. move on before you get manhandled.


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