I am hesitant to post on this thread but here goes. I have to disagree with the assertion that the UniCal negotiations have been no help to Delta or that should some how affect the vote on this TA. Our negotiations have taken on a ridiculous pace but to imply that this is the fault of the two MEC's is completely false and every one knows that. While we have not reached a deal we have also not agreed to any substandard offer just to say that we have a contract done. Maybe there will be a TA here before the Delta pilots get to vote on theirs and maybe not but I wouldn't as a Delta pilot change my vote if I didn't like the deal. I also wouldn't tell a Delta pilot how I think they should vote that is up to them, my brother in law included since he is a Delta pilot. Good luck but stop blaming others and make a decision on your own deal if it is good enough for you or if it isn't that is all that matters. Good Luck.