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Delta Connection Flying - 100 Aircraft Reduction

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1 PAID for DC9 = 124 seats and burns 3-4k lbs an hour.

2 CRJ-200's = 100 seats (if no weight restrictions-unlikely) and burns 3-3.5k lbs an hour

The shift will be back to mainline aircraft and like ACL said, less frequency but with the same number of seats.

btw the DC9s that will be around going forward arent 40 years old, they're around 30 and still going strong ;)

The DC9 is reliable, parts are cheap and Delta can do what it wants with the plane without worry of lease payments. It can be flown as much or as little as they see fit.

You forgot to mention how often the DC-9 is runway weight limited at the "RJ airports". Oops. They've been regularly leaving with 10-20 open seats this month where they've replaced RJs.
The easiest way to make a million is to start with a billion and buy an airline. Those that don't learn their leason go on to buy another airline.

Wow! you're pretty original, did you come up with that one all by yourself? Sarcasm!
Box, were they 30's and 40's? If so that makes sense and also makes sense as to why they are going to park em.
I thought we were all on the same team....Hmmm...I guess not. I better go return the Delta embroidered boxers I just bought, for some ASA ones.

But it doesn't seem like they like me either. *siggghhh* FML.:(
DAL is a big lumbering beast with it's head so far up it's @$$ it can't see the $$$'s flying out the window and is so slow to react to trends and market fluctuations that it will never catch up... kind of like a partially blind three-legged mastiff in a greyhound race.

As for the cost effectiveness of Q400s? yeah they're pretty great, but the initial cost is prohibitive (as is the wait to get one) and DAL (again with it's head up it's @$$) hates turbo-props and will never buy more no matter how much it might benefit them.
This industry suxs sooo bad!!!! Pilots are pawns in this nightmare!!!!!

What are you complaining about? The things you are mad about the most are most likely just the free market at work. That is why you are not having the career progression you desire and why the airline profession is crumbling in front of us. You should be happy.
We lost 25 mil so far. Not that much really. I figured it would be a lot more.

As for DAL being to big. Yes, and no. They are making moves as fast as the DCI contracts allow. Tell your management to let DAL do what they want with your contract and see how fast the fat @$ airline can move. (Not flamebait, just true) DAL has to honor contracts like any other airline.

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