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Death To America

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Benhuntn said:
sorry to many posts..meant fly bunny

Nice big al let's blame America for being the strongest, most afluent, and successful country in the world. Very nice...hope you are doing more than just writing here to help bring her down to their level. Maybe we can force women to ride in the back of pickups while the pet dog is in the cab. Maybe we can cut of the hands of pick pockets or gouge out the eyes of men who look at women the wrong way. I know let's adopt shria law. Oh boy won't be good? Public beheading instead of football yeah baby no other religious views accepted praise allah!

well when you do it on the backs of others, dont be shocked when they get pissed. who said anything about adopting anything? your knee jerk responses are a lame attempt to deflect valid critism. Do you want to go over the war crimes and tragedies the US has been involved in? Muslims are no more terrorists than Christians. Lets adopt Biblical law, Ive always wanted to stone a woman who is not a virgin, or someone who works on the sabboth
brainhurts said:
Then they need a "George Washington" type figure to emerge and lead this pack of "nice cowards" towards freedom. That can only happen when they are really willing to pay for the freedom with their blood by going after the thugs in their midst. They may be nice, decent people, but unless they step up to the plate and control their towns and cities by standing up to the insurgents, they will continue to be nice oppressed people.

thats hilarious, especially considering Washington and over revolutionaries were considered "terrorists" during that time. oh the irony
Lets adopt Biblical law, Ive always wanted to stone a woman who is not a virgin, or someone who works on the sabboth
Don't recall that being Biblical law???????
brainhurts said:
Then they need a "George Washington" type figure to emerge and lead this pack of "nice cowards" towards freedom. That can only happen when they are really willing to pay for the freedom with their blood by going after the thugs in their midst. They may be nice, decent people, but unless they step up to the plate and control their towns and cities by standing up to the insurgents, they will continue to be nice oppressed people.

And therein lies the problem. With over 200,000 Iraqi's being trained or holding security positions, you can hardly say that nobody is stepping up to the plate. The sad reality is the fact that everything takes time...establishing a government, quelling an insurgency, forcing democracy. Our country itself took over 20 years from the point at which it declared independence until the Constitution was put into effect. The US has the unpleasant task at hand to take care of something that unfortunately will likely run far longer than anyone in our country cares to see it. And it's because our nation has already been involved for so long, that citizens feel the need to "wipe the slate clean", nuke the entire surface, and start over. Wrong answer.
stearnst said:
And therein lies the problem. With over 200,000 Iraqi's being trained or holding security positions, you can hardly say that nobody is stepping up to the plate. The sad reality is the fact that everything takes time...establishing a government, quelling an insurgency, forcing democracy. Our country itself took over 20 years from the point at which it declared independence until the Constitution was put into effect. The US has the unpleasant task at hand to take care of something that unfortunately will likely run far longer than anyone in our country cares to see it. And it's because our nation has already been involved for so long, that citizens feel the need to "wipe the slate clean", nuke the entire surface, and start over. Wrong answer.

why will no generals come forward with good news about the state of the Iraqi police and security forces then?
Hair-on-Fire said:
Hey, this must be similar to the conversation the Germans had before they exterminated 6 million Jews.

You guys should be proud of yourselves.

Really? Was this before or after the Jews flew airplanes into buildings in Germany and killed thousands of people? Or after Jews tried to blow up large office buildings in Berlin? And exactly how many German Naval vessels did Jews blow holes in?
big_al said:
thats hilarious, especially considering Washington and over revolutionaries were considered "terrorists" during that time. oh the irony
Great example of Hate America First. Lets not recognize Washington's contributions to free societies everywhere. Lets not acknowledge America's accomplishments. Lets call ourselves terrorists and then use a gay term like "oh the irony" in an attempt to portray that others will agree with your inane comment.
stearnst said:
And therein lies the problem. With over 200,000 Iraqi's being trained or holding security positions, you can hardly say that nobody is stepping up to the plate. The sad reality is the fact that everything takes time...establishing a government, quelling an insurgency, forcing democracy. Our country itself took over 20 years from the point at which it declared independence until the Constitution was put into effect. The US has the unpleasant task at hand to take care of something that unfortunately will likely run far longer than anyone in our country cares to see it. And it's because our nation has already been involved for so long, that citizens feel the need to "wipe the slate clean", nuke the entire surface, and start over. Wrong answer.
Actually, it seems we are almost in agreement. I recognize it is going to take a long time for this to work. It is going to take many Iraqi and American lives and it is worth the price. My point is that so far, American soliders and dubious Iraqi "security" forces are holding the line. This is going to take the "man in the street" to come forward to support it like Americans did in the Revolution. That was the point of bringing up Washington. A home grown leader of Washington's caliber is needed to take this to the next level. The whole "nuke the place" is wrong. We should simply round up all liberals in this country who are doing there best to show aid and comfort to our enemies and painting America as a cut and run nation, and put them in deterrment centers. (Just kidding, but it is a little better than turning ME into a sheet of glass.) Lets as a nation stand behind our president. Lets provide Iraq the time it is going to take to let freedom set in, even if it is 40 years. You have to admit that your comments about Pat Robertson and terrorists being equal was stupid.
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