Yes, there is something black and white here and it's not what you think.
Your attempt at humor, flame bait or whatever it was has set an extraordinarily low bar.
In WWII the bomber pilots were told.... 'you are going to be baby killers'..... at least they weren't American babies....right!
Were they told this before or after learning that the life expectancy of a bomber pilot in Europe was well below 25 missions and that a large percentage of them would be buried in the European countryside at 200mph?
Right after 9/11 the press was going nuts over the military flying CAP over US cities.. they [the press] loved it. And it seemed the PR officers for these squadrons were right out of press school.... I like the fighter jock interviewed as he preflighted his jet..... "I wouldn't like it...but yeah, I'd shoot down a US airliner". Sh!t hot dude! only four more to go!
Did you ever think that some of those pilots have friends that fly for the airlines? Did you ever think that the fighter jock you so easily scoff at might have to shoot down an airliner with a good friend on board, then go an explain to his friends widow and kids what he did?
It's black and white baby! Clear cut decisions with no grey! Rock on!
Yes, there is something black and white here and it's not what you think.
Your attempt at humor, flame bait or whatever it was has set an extraordinarily low bar.
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